For over a year now I have been posting this blog dealing with my feelings about our/my country and the threats from both within and without from the Islamic/Muslim community and other terrorists groups… I have given my opinions and documented the thoughts of others from some of the nation’s most respected sources who are also in agreement…
In my opinion we are at a crossroads… This coming election will determine if we remain a Constitutional Republic, living under a rule of law and Bill of Rights, or creep forever into our Muslim president Obama’s world of socialism, Marxism, Communism and radical Islam…
Are we going to be controlled and ruled by Sharia law, which will be enforced by Ayatollahs’, Imams’, Mullahs’, Clerics’ and Caliphs’? A nation where the Holy Bible, Torah and other religious writings will be replaced by a “terrorist’s handbook” called the Qur’an? Will we become a nation where Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindu’s and all other religions will be outlawed and non-believers will be slaughtered because of their beliefs? Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger Mohammad and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”…

Make no mistake about it, Obama is a Muslim and he won the election with the help of an anti-American news media including people and organizations like Obama supporter George Soros, and Malik Zulu Shabazz leader of the New Black Panther Party, Bill Ayres, and the reverend Jeremiah Wright.
You should remember Wright… He was Obama’s minister for over 20 years, a former Muslim and made the statement from the pulpit to his congregation G-d Damn America that we deserved what we got at 9-11…

Another noteworthy group, which supports Obama, is The Bilderberg Group… This small group of the wealthiest men in the world supports Obama because he is pushing through their agenda for a “one world government”… Obama is the Bilderberg’s puppet and says and does exactly what they tell him to do…

Open support for Obama was ordered by mid east Islamic leaders and preached in the American Mosques by the Clerics’ and Muslim community leaders including the Council on Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.), Minister Louis Farrakhan with the Nation of Islam, and the Muslim Brotherhood (AKA Muslim Mafia). This is the Jihad, or as it is explained in the Qur’an – “in the path of God”, organization who uses the Qur’an and Shiria Law to justify giving orders to cut off heads of none believers (Kafir AKA Infidels) have women stoned to death and encourges young children to be martyrs (it is called Shahada and stands for Death for Allah) to blow themselves and innocents up in the name of God… Islam is not a religion of peace, it is an organization of terrorists… The Qur’an is nothing more than a “terrorists handbook“…
Obama has also received help and support from radical members of the Mexican American Political Organization (M.A.P.A.), La Raza , Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@ de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A). This is the organization which is working to reunite California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas and New Mexico with Mexico and advocates doing it with force if necessary. La Raza and M.E.Ch.A is openly calling for its members to arm themselves and “prepare for the revolution”. You need to understand why Obama is supported by La Raza; simply, he fits into La Raza’s a socialist and Marxist plans… .These are the behind the scenes people and organizations working to get Obama reelected and further destroy this country…
It is time for America to wake up, while we still can… I never want to hear Allahu Akbar (God is Great) again being screamed from the mouth of an Islamic terrorist while he is attempting to blow up innocent men, women and children here in America. Throwing Obama out of office in 2012 will be a start…
Conservatives must maintain control of the Congress and gain control of the Senate… People who have helped Obama both in Federal and State positions and as volunteers who are still in government must be removed… We need a clean slate to save our Republic and return our country to THE most powerful nation (under God) in the world… We need to regain the respect amongst the leaders of the world and the way you do that is with a strong military and fearless leader…