Obama’s A Whore!

Posted on 15th June 2012 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Obama is a bigger whore  now than he was last month when he endorsed same sex marriages  for votes… Now, according to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano  Obama will be going around congress, who last year voted down the dream act, and signing another executive order which will allow children of illegal aliens to get work permits … He is nothing more than a cheap whore selling and doing anything to get votes… Now it appears my 16 year old grandson will have to stand at the back of the line, behind scores of illegal drop babies, to get a summer job if he is lucky… If this is not yet another reason to throw Obama and his entire regime out of office this November I can’t think of a better one!!!

Obama, to date, has signed over 130 executive orders but none as dangerous as the executive order dealing with Martial Law … This order would allow Obama to declare Martial law without the consent of congress… It has been suggested by a number of insiders that if Obama, his Homeland Security team and other advisors, feel the election results may not be as promising as they would like a number of actions could be taken such as a “Reichstag/Fire Event” that would be justification, in Obama’s eyes, to declare Martial law, suspend “Habeis Corpus” and the elections… According to the anonymous “whistleblower” inside Obama’s Department of Homeland Ssecurity, this “Reichstag event” would take the form of a staged assassination attempt against Barack Obama, “carefully choreographed” and manufactured by Obama operatives. It would subsequently be blamed on “white supremacists” and used to enrage the black community to rioting and looting…

At the top of Obama’s agenda has been the disarming of America. We have seen this with “Operation Gun Runner” and “Fast and Furious”… His remarks to Sarah Brady about doing an “end run” around Congress with respects to gun control and Secretary Clinton’s support of the United Nations “Small Arms Treaty” all bear testimony as to how important this is to him and his sidekick Attorney General Erik Holder, Jr… Holder is in trouble with congress because of his involvement with “fast and furous” and may be held in contempt.


Obama is walking in Hitler’s and Stalin’s footsteps when it comes to suppressing American’s freedoms through economic control…  One must remember Obama has been groomed for the job he has now for one reason and one reason only. To bring down the United States of America with his “hidden agenda” and hand it over to the Soros types who intend on controlling the world…

This November will be one of the most important elections in the history of our Constitutional Republic… It will have nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats but rather do we remain a dominate force in the world and a Republic or will we be turned into a Socialists/Marxists nation and loose our Constitution and Bill of Rights…

It is up to each one of us to get out and vote Obama, his regime and those elected officials who have supported his destruction of America, out of office…

Remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society”… Your comments are welcome… Send directly to me bigreb@bigreb.com

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