Obama; Friend or Foe

Posted on 18th October 2012 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

After watching the 2nd debate, or should I say media side show, last evening it has become very apparent to me the more you lie the more you actually begin to believe your lies… With Obama that habit began long before he became president with questions about;

• Where was he born?
• Who is his real father?
• What is his religion?
• Where are the records and transcripts of his going to college? ,
• Why have none of the other students he went to school with ever come to his defense?
• Why does his school loan papers all say foreign student?
• Why and when did he change his name from Barry Soetoro to Barrack Husain Obama?
• Where did he get the money to buy a million dollar home on the pay of a community organizer and on and on?

Now Mr. Obama is president and the lies and deceptions keep coming… He claims to be a president of “all the people” but if you look at his record he seems to be the president of” special interest groups” and people outside our “American way of life”… Below are some of my observations… There are many more but these are important to me as they affect me and my family directly…

• He claims GMC and the banks have paid back all the incentive money they borrowed… Lie… GMC has borrowed more money from a TARP fund held in escrow to repay the first loan… It should be noted Ford did not take any money and they came back on their own without selling out to government control…

• He claims unemployment is coming around… Lie… There are more people unemployed today that there were 4 years ago when he became president… The unemployment rate may be down to under 8% but the number of people who have fallen off the roles to collect unemployment has risen… According to government numbers  unemployment is over 12% nationwide…

• He claims to be “pro” our 2nd Amendment… Lie… He partnered with Erik Holder, Jr. to create Operation Gun Runner and Fast and Furious… Both in an attempt to show the need to ban assault weapons… That blew up in his face when a border patrol agent named Brian Terry got murdered by a person using an AK47 sold to the Mexican cartel through the “Fast and Furious” program… Obama used executive privilege to seal the records for both he and Eric Holder, Jr. to keep from having to turn them over to Congress… In the end Holder was held in contempt by Congress but just laughed it off under the protection of Obama’s executive privilege … And don’t forget the United Nations sponsored “Arms Trade Treaty”… That was supported by both Obama and Ms. Clinton until the treaty was pulled because of public outcry… Had the treaty been approved by the U.N. and Obama signed it the United States would have agreed to disarm its citizens thus destroying our 2nd amendment… The Senate would have had to ratify the treaty but the point is Obama supported it in the first place…

• Obama claims the butchering of our Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and the murders of 3 Seals in Libya was caused by a YouTube video which portrayed the Muslim prophet Muhammad as a pedophile … Lie… The terrorists attack was scheduled to be on 9/11… The Ambassador 2 weeks prior to the attack, requested through the State Department extra protection… Obama and Ms. Clinton both knew this but went ahead with claiming it was all over the video…  Obama, Ms. Clinton and Ambassador Rice all made numerous appearances on TV shows, spoke before the U.N. and Ms. Clinton even made a $70,000 commercial apologizing for the video which ran in the Middle East… Now Ms. Clinton has come out accepting the responsibility only to be outdone by Obama who says, as president, it was his responsibility… I think Obama is right… He killed Osama Bin Laden, saved GMC, and the payback was an attack on our Libyan Council by Islamic Terrorists that the State Department knew was going to happen… BTW, Ambassador Rice will not say who told her to lie on television and in front of the U.N. but that order would have had to come from her boss, Ms. Clinton… An interesting side note; Huma Abedin is the Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton… She has a close relationship with both the Muslim Brotherhood and, through her mother, Saleha Mahmoud Abedin, the Muslim Sisterhood… One would have to wonder if she (Abedin) knew ahead of time this attack was going to happen and if she did, did she share the information with her boss?

• Obama claims the economy is on the upturn… Lie… Our economy is in a mess… More small brick and mortar businesses are going out of business than ever before… Large corporations and holding on to their bankrolls and keeping them offshore, according to Steve Winn, because they don’t trust Obama…

• Obama says he supports Israel… Lie… He has supported Palestine, met with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, who all favor Israel’s destruction, and refused to meet with Benjamin Netanyahu… He is no friend to Israel…

• Obama has said we need to be oil independent from countries…Lie… He will not support the Keystone Pipeline  coming down from Canada which would have put 10’s of thousands of Americans to work… He will not permit American companies to drill in the Gulf but will give permits to several South American companies’ to drill… He will not issue permits for drilling in Alaska, Montana or off our coast line… I guess he does not wish to hurt his Islamic friends financially!

Obama has made some major “open mike” blunder recently which need to be questioned… One can only wonder what Obama meant when he whispered over an open mike to outgoing Russian president Dmitry Medvectev that he (Obama) would have “more flexibility” after the election and to ask incoming President Putin to give him some space… In another “open mike” gaff French President Nicolas Sarkozy  was overheard by reporters telling Obama he hated talking with Benjamin Netanyahu because he was such a liar… According to reporters Obama was seen shaking his head in agreement and commented “I have the same issue also”… Maybe that is why Obama will not meet with Netanyahu and is keeping him and Israel at arm’s length…

Another Obama policy change that really pissed me off was when he decided to “fast track” the children of illegal aliens … They no longer can be deported, they must be given drivers licenses, work permits, access to our health care programs and access to public education at reduced rates… This was done by an executive order and with no consent of the Congress or Senate and just in time for the November election…

Another concern; Obama has to date signed over 900 Executive orders… That is more than all the presidents combined… Many have to do with normal law abiding American citizens and their rights… They give the president unheard powers over radio and television, suspending the writ of habeas corpus  in time of national emergency… Additional control over our state governments, county supervisors and local city governments… All this without a vote of the Congress or Senate… The most frightening is Executive Order 13603 naming it: “National Defense Resources Preparedness,”… If enacted this Executive order will put our basic freedoms in the hands of a few select government officials… It is something to be concerned, and yes, scared about…

The drive by media is in love with Obama… You seldom ever hear a bad word about him… His wife travels, with their children, like a queen, he ignores his daily security briefings, vacations and golfs more than any president we have ever had… Obama embraces people like Louis Farrakhan’s leader of the Nation of Islam and an outspoken anti-Semite … Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz of the New Black Panthers   (A.K.A. Obama’s army) who has openly called for the “killing of whities”… It is interesting both Shabazz and Farrakhan know each other but go out of their way to never allow pictures to be taken of them together… It is also interesting both the Nation of Islam and New Black Panther Party have recently endorsed Obama. Obama has even hosted Muslim Brotherhood  leader Mohammed Badie at our White House… Badie has called for the total destruction of Israel and his long term goals are to turn the United States in to Muslim nation controlled by Sharia Law… It is a fact that Obama has been filling positions in Homeland Security, the State Department, Department of Justice including his own personal staff with Muslims … We all know who Obama’s spiritual advisor was; the famous, former Muslim, Reverend Jeremiah Wright  who made headlines when he said 9/11 was payback and God Damn America… And yes I did say former Muslim! Let’s not forget the under writer of Obama’s campaign George Soros and his mentor terrorist Bill Ayres … All close friends of Obama and again no public pictures of them together…

In a few weeks we will be voting in one of the most important elections of my lifetime… The vote for me is easy… If I want to keep our Constitution and Bill of Rights in tack, the way our founding fathers defined what would keep this a FREE Constitutional Republic under GOD, then I must vote for Romney and Ryan… Keep in mind; If Obama gets reelected he will be in a position to appoint at least 1 or maybe even 3 Supreme Court judges… I do not want to think of the impact that could have on my beloved country and freedoms for my grandchildren…

Recently there have been rumors that if Obama loses the election there will be riots in the streets… I would hope that does not happen but if it does be prepared… Remember “an ARMED society is a FREE society”… Be prepared and ready to exercise your 2nd amendment rights…

Your comments are always welcome… Contact me directly at bigreb@bigreb.com

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Obama is a whore and a liar!

Posted on 11th October 2012 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

In June of this year I wrote a blog and called Obama a “Whore” … This was based on how he was selling himself out for gay marriages, kissing the asses of Muslims and setting up Illegal aliens to get drivers licenses for votes… Now I can add “liar” to the list…

For two weeks now Obama and his stooges, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice have all lied their asses off about what happened in Libya which lead to the brutal slaughter of our Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens… Now, because of a Congressional hearing headed up by Congressman Darrell Issa, yes the same Darrell Issa that exposed Fast and Furious and held Eric Holder Jr. in contempt, officials within the State Department are coming clean… Why, because the know Obama and Clinton will throw them under the bus to save their own lying hides…

Obama, Clinton and Rice, all speaking from carefully written talking points, blamed a short You Tube video which made fun of Muhammad being a pedophile. Their claim was this video and this video alone, set off a weeks’ worth of riots all across the Muslim controlled world attacking both American and foreign embassies, burning cars, buildings and general destruction of property… Clinton has denied she has blamed the video as the cause of the rioting but yet the State Department spent $70M  tax payer dollars apologizing for the video… More outright lies!!!

The State Department today said the attack on our Libyan embassy was planned and had NOTHING to do with the You Tube video… Listen to this  and now you will see what liars our President, Secretary of State, U.N. ambassador and the drive by media, who helped spread the lies, really are… You will hear their lies coming right out of their lying mouths… Listen and pass these on to everyone…

In a few weeks we will be choosing a man, and his appointee’s, to run our country. It is likely he will also be appointing at least 1 if not 2 Supreme Court judges… This may be one of the most important elections in the history of our Constitutional Republic… Are we going to reelect a proven whore and liar, and have to put up with his Muslim entrenched socialist regime, for another term or do something to turn our country around?

If you really want to preserve our Constitution and Bill of Rights you must support Mitt Romney for president… Protest votes go to Obama… Romney needs every vote he can get to win the electoral vote count in every State…

Remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society”… Support your 2nd amendment rights and help to guarantee a FREE Constitutional Republic will still be in place after this next election…

Your comments are appreciated… Send to bigreb@bigreb.com

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