Fast and Furious, Mexican Gun Treaties, Small Arms Treaty… Obama wants our guns and will do whatever it takes to get them!

Posted on 6th January 2012 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Back in January 2011 I wrote an article entitled “Attention Patriots and Decedents of Minutemen… Grab your Muskets” and then followed up in April 2011 with “Our 2nd Amendment is under attack” . In both of my articles I mentioned the United Nations sponsored “Small Arms Treaty” and what it would do to our 2nd Amendment. I received a number of e-mails. Most were supportive but there were a few who were quick to point out that “Snopes” says “false”, there is NO United Nations sponsored “Small Arms Treaty. Those people who believe Snopes have their head where the sun does not shine. “Snopes” is wrong, Wrong and WRONG…





The United Nations Small Arms Treaty does exist and is being supported by both President Obama and Hillary Clinton… This “treaty” would, if ratified by our Congress, do away with our 2nd Amendment and disarm America… Both Obama and Clinton and a select few Democratic Congressmen, with their own political agenda, have been working behind the scenes to see to it the UN sponsored “Small Arms Treaty” passes… It will have to make its way through the Republican controlled Congress and then to the Democrat controlled Senate where it is guaranteed to pass… That is one reason we MUST see to it, come this November, we do not loose control of the House… Currently the Congress is all that stands between the “Small Arms Treaty” and our 2nd Amendment…





Move on to April 2009. This was before operation “Fast and Furious” surfaced… Obama, meeting with Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon, stated “I am urging the Senate in the United States to ratify an inter-American treaty known as Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials  to curb small arms trafficking that is a source of so many weapons used in this drug war”.


Now let’s move ahead to March of 2010… During a meeting in the White House with Obama he was questioned by Sarah Brady, the wife of Jim Brady, one of the 3 men who were shot during the attack on President Ronald Reagan and for which a very restrictive gun bill call the “Brady Bill”  was passed and signed into law by then President Clinton… The Brady Bill was not renewed under Bush’s administration. Brady asked Obama what he was going to do about all the guns. Obama told her not to worry he had a “under the radar” plan…





Now we know what that “under the radar plan was, FAST AND FURIOUS… It was a simple plan… ATF, DEA, DOJ and FBI agents would hire US citizens to purchase large quantities of assault weapons from US gun dealers and then they would sell them to know members of the Sinaloa drug cartel… In an appearance before a Congressional committee, chaired by Republican Darrell Issa, US Attorney General Eric Holder denied he, or any member of the administration knew anything about Operation Fast and Furious… In later testimony before Issa’s committee Holder admitted he was aware of a government program whereby guns purchased were purchased so they could be followed and, when recovered from a crime, be able to trace who purchased them and then make the arrest… The plan backfired. A US border patrol agent named Brian Terry and many innocent bystanders were killed with those weapons… His admission before the committee that he knew about Fast and Furious contradicts previous testimony where he claimed he knew nothing…





Both Obama and Holder swear they knew nothing about Fast and Furious but that has now been debunked… Many of our elected officials, members of the national new media, the NRA and numerous gun rights groups are now calling for Holder to step down. Obama is also under fire for the cover-up…





It is interesting to note that at the apex of Operation Fast and Furious Obama and his court, including US Attorney Eric Holder and high ranking officials from the various agencies involved like ATF Chief Kenneth Melcom  (which have now either resigned or been transferred to other agencies or offices), were all out beating the bushes telling everyone how the largest amount of illegal gun trafficking into Mexico was coming out of the United States and that we must do something to curtail the sales… I guess he was right… Obama should know because he authorized Fast and Furious… Now we have a much better understanding of what his April 2009 meeting with Mexico’s President Calderon was all about. This has been a very carefully planned agenda and, but for the loss of one border agents life and some good old fashion investigation by a couple of “good cops” would have gone unnoticed. This is now being called “Obamas Watergate“…


Obama’s agenda, since the day he took office, has been, and continues to be, to destroy the 2nd Amendment and disarm law abiding citizens. Operation Fast and Furious  has proven this beyond and shadow of doubt.


Something to think about… Obama joins with a large number of other presidents, dictators, and butchers who all wanted gun control… Is this not a good enough reason NOT to reelect this Socialists, Marxist and anti-2nd Amendment president this November?



















 I have one additional question… After surviving Hitler’s ovens, and concentration camps, why do so many of our Jewish citizens or those with direct ties from Nazi Germany still support Obama? The holocaust did not just affect Jews; it also affected Catholics, gypsies, masons, homosexuals, people with mental issues and anyone who opposed Hitler and his thrust for power. In the ’30’’s Hitler understood to see his dream come true he would need to disarm the German population. To accomplish this Hitler needed to know where the firearms were hence his massive registration program under the pretenses of establishing a safer society. Once that was established, using the Gestapo, he set about to confiscate all firearms from anyone deemed undesirable. In other words the writ of habeas-corpus was suspended. Think that can’t happen here? Read Obama’s remarks on why he believes it is ok to detain people with no evidence of any crime being committed.… Obama recently signed an Executive order which would allow him to exercise the suspension of habeas-corpusthis privilege  One might also question the establishment of hundreds of detention facilities all over the United States under the authority of FEMA! Could it be part of Obama’s “Master Plan” and why it is so important to him to have 4 more years?


Have we not learned that history does repeat itself? Will the picture below be you and me in the next 50 years? If Obama has its way it could be with no guns to defend ourselves!




We have seen many of our Constitutional rights stepped on by a president, and HIS Gestapo like tactics, who is working at tearing down our Constitution and doing away with the bill of rights… Most important on his agenda is the 2nd amendment. Without the 2nd amendment “we the people” will not be able to defend our families or the Constitution or our precious Bill of Rights. Think about this when you cast your vote in November…


Read and become informed… Remember… “A FREE society is an ARMED society”



If you are not a member of the National Rifle Association, and if you are a supporter our 2nd Amendment, you should be… Click below to join and find out more about the NRA… If you live in California then you should also be a member of the California Rifle and Pistol Association. The CRPA is our voice in State government!















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