Truth about polling

Posted on 24th July 2019 in Bigreb speaks his mind...


Ever wonder how all these polls work? First you have to understand pollsters get paid for their services… They produce the results their customer’s art looking for…


When their customers want results showing…


     … democrat candidates are leading – poll minority districts

     … Anti 2nd and pro gun control  – poll college communities

     … Pro socialism/communism – poll age groups 18-35

     … Anti wall and open borders – poll Hispanic districts

     … Raise taxes on the rich – poll poor and minority communities


These are just a few examples on how polling companies produce the results for their customers… These examples will show very heavy weighted results, which can be achieved by asking polling questions in communities with a “dog in the fight”…


Polling companies will discuss the sampling that is the number of people polled, but will seldom discuss the demographics where the polls are taken…


Don’t be mislead… Polling companies do not stay in business by giving bad news to customers who are paying for the surveys… Liberal news stations all managed news own and operate their own polling companies… Just like their “managed news” their polls are designed to produce the “managed results” they are looking for to move their own agendas…


Whenever someone quotes polling results to you, ask them 3 questions, and I’ll bet they can’t answer them…

    … When was the poll taken?

    … What was the sampling?

    … VERY IMPORTANT Who paid for the poll?




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