Charlton Heston – click on picture
The Second Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of
a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
We have all been reading the news about the shootings, which have occurred over past few weeks, including a number of innocents and police officers killed or wounded… To you and me, and the families of the victums, this is tragic news… To the media, left wing politicians and George Soris, this news is like manna from heaven… The blood was not yet dry when the clamor for stronger gun laws and registration of firearms was all over the electronic news and printed media… Politicians did not let the tragedies go to waste either… Chuck Schumer in New York, Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer in San Francisco joined a small handful of Congressmen and Senators as well as local elected officials in demanding stricter gun laws… Interestingly enough Sheriff Dupnik of Pina County, AZ had knowledge of Jered Lee Loughner’s mental condition and did nothing about it. Perhaps if the Sheriff had acted, and done his job, 6 people would still be alive and 13 would not have been wounded… If Loughner had been ruled mentally unstable he could not have legally purchased the handgun he used… Even though all of the shooters involved were in possession of the firearms illegally, and were already violating the law, it made no difference… There was not one word, by the drive by media, about the guns used being stolen, purchased with false id’s (a felony in itself) or possessed illegally…
“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”
— Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
My friends, WE ARE UNDER ATTACK from within and without… Knowing for the next two years, because of the make up of our current congress and getting any type of gun legislation passed through the house is unlikely, a new ploy is being undertaken… Using a United Nation’s sponsored “international small arms treaty” which if agreed upon by the United States would call for the confiscation of all small arms both abroad and in the United States rendering the 2nd amendment useless… The attack is being lead by George Soros through a number of his left wing; socialist’s organizations, the International Action Network on Small Arms (“IANSA”) and through his connections in the United Nations… The Washington Times says “American gun owners might not feel besieged, but they should“. The Obama administration announces support of the United Nations Small Arms Treaty…
Listen to what George Soros has to say about America and our way of life, in his own words…
Not convinced the private ownership is under attack… Then listen to President Obama explain, in his own words, his plan for gun control…
Another tactic being used is stating “facts” on how many deaths are caused by guns and how many lives will be saved by banning them… According to the ‘Alcohol Alert’s” Stop The Madness, there are over 15,000 alcohol related automobile accidents each year… At and the National Safety Council they place deaths caused by firearms behind falls, poisonings, drowning, exposure to fire and smoke and medical causes Firearms are at the bottom of the list…
Every man walking has the potential of committing rape… But until he does there is no crime… Using the premise the gun hater’s use, we should castrate everyman because he “might” commit a crime…
We had better pay attention to what is quietly happening in our government… Thanks to the Rehnquist’s court and its ruling in the medicinally prescribed marijuana case, the commerce clause can now be used to target gun ownership… How exciting for President Obama… All they will need is an executive order and the ATF can begin confiscating guns…
Think it can’t happen here… Click on the picture…
Take a minute to read what happened in Russia and Germany and they didn’t think it could happen in their countries either!
What can you do to help protect our 2nd amendment rights? Join the National Rifle Association and your local gun organizations like the one we have here in California, the California Rifle and Pistol Association … Donate to them so they can keep a watchful eye out in the halls of our government and the offices of our politicians… They are our eyes and ears and need our financial support… Do it today, tomorrow may be too late!
Remember, “your rights begin and end at my nose and toes”… “Don’t Tread on Me” or my “God given rights” to live as a “free man” in a “free society” under the rule of law…
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[…] Patriots and Decedents of Minutemen… Grab your Muskets” and then followed up in April 2011 with “Our 2nd Amendment is under attack” . In both of my articles I mentioned the United Nations sponsored “Small Arms Treaty” and what […]
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