In June of this year I wrote a blog and called Obama a “Whore” … This was based on how he was selling himself out for gay marriages, kissing the asses of Muslims and setting up Illegal aliens to get drivers licenses for votes… Now I can add “liar” to the list…
For two weeks now Obama and his stooges, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice have all lied their asses off about what happened in Libya which lead to the brutal slaughter of our Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens… Now, because of a Congressional hearing headed up by Congressman Darrell Issa, yes the same Darrell Issa that exposed Fast and Furious and held Eric Holder Jr. in contempt, officials within the State Department are coming clean… Why, because the know Obama and Clinton will throw them under the bus to save their own lying hides…
Obama, Clinton and Rice, all speaking from carefully written talking points, blamed a short You Tube video which made fun of Muhammad being a pedophile. Their claim was this video and this video alone, set off a weeks’ worth of riots all across the Muslim controlled world attacking both American and foreign embassies, burning cars, buildings and general destruction of property… Clinton has denied she has blamed the video as the cause of the rioting but yet the State Department spent $70M tax payer dollars apologizing for the video… More outright lies!!!
The State Department today said the attack on our Libyan embassy was planned and had NOTHING to do with the You Tube video… Listen to this and now you will see what liars our President, Secretary of State, U.N. ambassador and the drive by media, who helped spread the lies, really are… You will hear their lies coming right out of their lying mouths… Listen and pass these on to everyone…
In a few weeks we will be choosing a man, and his appointee’s, to run our country. It is likely he will also be appointing at least 1 if not 2 Supreme Court judges… This may be one of the most important elections in the history of our Constitutional Republic… Are we going to reelect a proven whore and liar, and have to put up with his Muslim entrenched socialist regime, for another term or do something to turn our country around?
If you really want to preserve our Constitution and Bill of Rights you must support Mitt Romney for president… Protest votes go to Obama… Romney needs every vote he can get to win the electoral vote count in every State…
Remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society”… Support your 2nd amendment rights and help to guarantee a FREE Constitutional Republic will still be in place after this next election…
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