When I was a little boy growing up with my grandparents, in Maywood California in the 40’s and 50’s, we used to have monthly air raid siren testing. The sound of that screeching noise used to scare me because all I could think of is Russia is going to bomb us… Despite my grandparents comforting remarks about no one would ever attack the United States of America I was still concerned… I remember my grandfather, Ray C. Sweet a Roosevelt democrat, sitting me down one day and assuring me because of our strong leaders, our nation’s strength and strongest military in the world no country would dare to attack the United States… As I grew older I always felt safe because I knew we had men and women out their protecting me and my freedoms…
Today we live in a completely different environment… Yes we still have our brave men and women out their protecting us, and paying the ultimate price, but our leaders are weak cowards who have now placed the security of our great Constitutional Republic in jeopardy… We back down from the smallest threat and allow 3rd world countries to run over us all in the name of “political correctness”… Too bit dictators now make demands on this country and threaten us if we do not cave to their demands… Then our useless elected officials respond by sending those dictators piles of money, food, guns and ammo and other military supplies…
Recently my grandsons ask me about North Korea… I explained I seriously doubt they will fire a shot because they know they are bluffing… Their “saber rattling” is to get the U.S. to offer them a deal just like a few years ago… I also explained to them the biggest mistake we made was not finishing what North Korea started back in the middle 50’s… Once again, because of “political pressure from other countries, we backed down from a 3rd world country and opted to accept a “kings X” instead of kicking their asses and wiping them off the face of the earth… Had we finished the job then we would not be in the position we are now… Lesson learned; when someone starts to bully you warn them once… If they come back for a repeat kick their balls up between their ears and I will guarantee they will not come back again, that includes school bullies too… Why did we not complete the job back then? “Political correctness”… Our elected officials forgot where their balls were and wanted to be “all nice” so the rest of the world would not be upset with us… Screw the rest of the world… We backed down to a weaker country and now we are paying the price… Thousands of American lives were lost and for not a damn thing!
This weakness went on in Vietnam and continues in the middle east and with our dealing with China and Russia. America has become a laughing stock in the world… Our threats mean nothing because all these countries know our elected officials are, for the most part, a bunch of weak kneed cowards who do not have what it takes to show the world who is boss…
Our socialist president and his groupies are afraid of their own shadows… Our country has become sissified… Men are laughed at for being men… Women have made great strides in being elected to our highest offices and in gaining many cabinet appointments but I am afraid their maternal instincts overrule the strength we need to maintain a healthy, strong country and military… They would rather confront the enemy with words than a fist, with hugs and kisses rather than a big bomb… I am not saying women should not be elected and appointed but we need strong women who are not afraid to stand flat footed and mix it up when circumstances call for it; like right now!
Our current government is spending more time trying to disarm its citizens than trying to find out what happened in Benghazi … Our president supports the Arms Trade Treaty which, our newly appointed U.N. Ambassador, just signed in behalf of our country and, if ratified by our Senate will all but destroy our 2nd Amendment… The government also has another plan to disarm its citizens… Place such gigantic orders for ammunition it will all but cripple the ability of citizens to by ammo from retailers and make it almost impossible to buy the components to reload… Think I am kidding… Go to your local gun shop and try to purchase .45 ACP, .380, 9mm, .38 or 357 mag, 223/5.56 or .308/7.62 ammo or the components to reload them… Primers, shells bullets and powder has all but dried up… The government, specifically Homeland Security and the Postal Services, know manufacturers are obligated to fill their orders first in the name of national security… Place huge orders and you dry up the ammo supply for civilians and law enforcement agencies alike… So you thinks what happened in Germany in the 30’s can’t happen here, THINK AGAIN folks…
Obama, and his administration, support Sharia law and have placed more Muslims in appointed positions within our government that in this countries entire history… Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood and is a mouthpiece for George Soros and the Bilderberg’s… Obama says it’s time for “a change”… His definition of a change means to destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights and to turn us into a ”one world government” with him as head… Don’t believe me? There is a movement right now in congress to do away with a 2 term limit for president so Obama can run for a third term… That means doing away with the 22nd amendment…
Obama has spent most of his presidency running all over the world apologizing for our countries wealth, strength and power instead of using it to control an “out of control world”… Jesus Christ threw the money changers off the steps of the Temple… Enough is enough… Bring our troops home and send the B-52’s back with a “special gift” and to hell with collateral damage… The enemy is the enemy and we must show the world who is boss and in control… Islam says only the believers are safe from terrorists… Non-believers, infidels, can be butchered, stoned and have their heads cut off…
The United States of America is the strongest country in the world and we have proven it war after war… Now it is time we prove it again and with severe consequences to our enemies, where ever they are…
We need to adapt the attitude of one David Glasgow Farragut when faced with overwhelming odds yelled out the battle cry “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!” … Meaning we are not going to look at the risks, we are just going to do it…
Folks, it is time to “kick ass” and take names later… Yours, mine and our children’s freedom is what we have at stake… “Old Glory” needs to become the banner it one was and guarantee that those who gave their life for it should not have been in vein…
Obama needs to be impeached for violating his oath of office to support and defend our Constitution and all his socialist’s appointments and “executive orders” be thrown out…
God bless this country and help “We the People” take it back… Remember “An ARMED society is a FREE society”…
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