By now most of you know Ted Nugent addressed an NRA convention, held this past weekend, in St. Louis… Nugent, a strong 2nd amendment supporter, avid gun collector, outdoorsman and world famous rock star, spoke out about his concerns if Obama is re-elected in 2012. His metaphors may have been a bit strong for some to take…
Nugent stirred up controversy in which he called President Obama’s administration “vile, evil and America-hating.” “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year,” Most combative were his remarks calling Romney supporters to action, saying “We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November.”
Needless to say the Washington D.C. based, drive by media, has their panties all in a bundle and called for the Secret Service to investigate Nugents terrorists remarks. Nugent told Glenn Beck today (Wednesday 4-18-12) he will be meeting with the Secret Service and will be “polite and supportive as I possibly can be”…
Thursday, April 19, 2012… The Secret Service today interviewed Ted Nugent and has stated the investagation of Mr. Nugent is over and NO CHARGES will be filed. The matter is closed… Well the Washington D.C. and drive by media lost another one… We now return you to the the Secret Service hookers…
Nugent’s remarks are based, in part, on his concerns that if Obama gets reelected he will continue his quest to disarm the lawabiding American citizen and, he is right. Obama is on record as being opposed to the 2nd amendment and is a supporter of the United Nation Small Arms Treaty . Currently that treaty stands no chance of being ratified by our current sitting congress but if the election swings to Obama’s favor it (the UN Small Arms Treaty) would be a shoe in once signed to be ratified…
Another consideration is the current makeup of the Supreme Court. Currently it is a 5 to 4 vote on being pro 2nd amendment. If Obama gets another 4 years it is likely he will appoint at least one new Justice, to take 78 year old Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat, with a possibility of three new Justices… All it will take to tip the court to being anti-2nd amendment is one more vote… Obama has, on several occasions, shown disrespect for the Supreme Court his most recent being over his “Obamacare” program where he challenged their right to question the new law (wonder if Obama understands the roll of the highest court in the land?).
Another consideration is our current Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. . . . He has been a long time believer that the 2nd amendment does NOT give the people “the right to own and bear arms” … Holder is currently under investigation for his involvement in Fast and Furious and played a major role in “Operation Gun Runner”… Both Fast and Furious and Operation Gun Runner were designed to justify why the goverment needs to ban assault rifles, limit the purchases of firearms and would paved the road for the elimination of private ownership of all firearms by private lawabiding American citizens…
Given the current status of Obama, and his cabinet, one can understand why Nugent is concerned about the direction our country is headed in…
Make no mistake about it. Nugent is NOT wishing physical harm on our president nor advocating it… He wants him, and his regime, thrown out of office in November before he can inflict any additional harm on our country and its reputation in the world… His remarks were meant to stir up those opposed to Obama, to get them off their fat asses, and go out and work to get him out of office…
You may remember another famous American’s emarks that got him into trouble with the media, Charlton Heston, when he made his now famous statement while holding a flintlock musket he had just had presented to him by the NRA. He looked directly into the camera; extended his right arm in a menacing manner and holding up the musket for all to see said the famous and dramatic line… “When you pry my cold dead hands”.
The Second Amendment: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Remember, An ARMED society is a FREE society”…
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