“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves againist tyranny in government” Thomas Jefferson
“Gun control” is by any other name “Freedom Control” … Control the ownership of all firearms and ammunition and you control the population… There can be no doubt now that Obama is working as hard as he can, using all the resources at his disposal, to disarm American citizens… He and his administration is anti-firearm… He has surrounded himself with people with anti-gun agendas and they are working 24/7 to see to it they are successful while still in office…
Remember, with the exception of Joe Biden, these are NOT elected representatives but those hand chosen by an anti-American, socialist president who has demonstrated by action his intent to bring down OUR Constitution and Bill of Rights… Obama’s largest target, the 2nd Amendment…
Please don’t take my word for it… Take the time to do the research and see for yourself what each and every one of his cabinet members have to say about gun control… Pay close attention to the three most vocal; Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Homeland Security Director Janet Reno. These three, along with Obama and his two recent Supreme Court appointments, have it within their collective power to destroy the 2nd Amendment!
Vice President Joseph R Biden – ““we need stronger gun control laws – Biden – “Close gun shows and keep the assault weapon ban“… State Secretary Hillary Clinton – “We need global gun control” – Clinton pushed for “small Arms Treaty”… Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner – “Economic stimulus through “Gun Control” … Defense Secretary Leon Panetta – “Disarms Marines“… Justice Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. – “Urges Congress to pass gun control laws” – Holder lied about knowing anything about “Fast and Furious”… Interior Secretary Kenneth Salazar – “Ban Assault Weapons“… Agriculture Secretary Thomas Vilsack – pro gun control … Commerce Secretary John Bryson – pro gun control … Labor Secretary Hilda Solis – pro gun control … Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan – “He will work at taking away guns” … Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood – rated “F” by NRA … Education Secretary Arne Duncan – “the most anti-gun member of the Obama regime“…
Let’s also not forget the two appointments Obama Has Made to the Supreme Court… Newly appointed Judges SoniaSotomayor and Elena Kagan have both been outspoken opponents for gun control… Both have taken active parts in attempting to limit the 2nd Amendment and take away the right of the law abiding American citizen to own and bear arms. With a stacked cabinet, and very liberal appointments to the Supreme Court Obama’s plan to disarm America is but one vote away in the Supreme Court.
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the eople are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States. A military force, at he command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive. —Noah Webster, An Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal
Constitution (Philadelphia 1787).
It is more than clear what Obama’s agenda is… Disarm American, turn us into a socialist Marxist state and then declare Martial Law”. Think it can’t happen here? Just take a look at European history, Germany, Italy, France etc. and you can see Obama’s multi-faceted “Gun Control” plan coming together… It is about control “Obama was lying to the nation because his own web site touted his plan to revive the gun ban and make it permanent.” – The Obama administration works to destroy 2nd amendment . Read his plan for doing and “end run” around congress – Mexican Attorney General says “Obama was fully aware of what was happening with Fast and Furious” … Obama tells Sarah Brady “We are working on gun Control but we have to do it “under the radar”…
The threat of having our 2nd amendment rights stripped from us by “executive action” that is, the ability of the president to issue “executive orders” to disarm this country and take away ALL FIREARMS from legal citizens is higher now than any other time in our history. He is planning and “end run” around Congress and is going to attempt it prior to the election via his “executive order” privilege. Executive orders have been used by presidents for years but none have challenged our Constitution or Bill of Rights like Obama’s. Look for his “anti-gun” executive orders to be justified under the National Security Directives or Homeland Security Presidential Directives…
Voting Obama, and his supporters in both houses, out of office is our last hope. Get involved or don’t complain when you wake up on morning and find yourself without any rights…