I have received death threats for the blogs I have been writing about Islamic terrorists. I am told I don’t understand Islam. They tell me the word Islam means “peace” and that the religion is one of love and compassion. The several hundred that were blown up in American Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania at the US Council would understand how “peaceful” they are. The sailors aboard the USS Cole can also appreciate the “peace”. The 3000 plus people in the Twin Towers may have a problem with that as would the 300 plus firemen and police officers who died in the line of duty running into the mouth of the dragon, and not away from it, trying to save lives. How about the 39 solders that died at the hand of a Islamic terrorists at Fort Hood. In the name of Allah, and their peaceful religion, Islamic terrorists have tried to blow up planes and crowded intersections here in America. Remmember the Shoe and panty bomber and the attempt using packages sent from abroad and various car bomb attempts. All from Islamic terrorists and on our soil.
My threats have included being told my throat will be cut ear to ear. My tongue will be cut out. My family will pay for my disrespect to the pedophile prophet Mohammed and the terrorist manifesto called the Qur’an. I think we know how peaceful they are when they cut off peoples heads while yelling at the top of the lungs Allahu Akbar (God is Great). We know how “peaceful” they are when the stone women to death and use young children to blow up innocent people telling them they will be martyrs and be seated next to the prophet. (we all know how the prophet loves children).
A very recent example of how peaceful they are is when Adam Gadahn ordered Islamic terrorists, in this country, to go out and buy guns from gun shows and start shooting people. Now that is really “peaceful”.
I remember some years ago when I was learning about debate there had to be a clear understanding of words used by the other parties. For instance the word “peace”. When Muslims and Islamic terrorists use the word “peace” they mean it to apply to believers only. Non believers, or infidels, are to be eliminated until the entire world belongs to Islam and is under Sharia law and only then can there be “peace”.
I recently received a note from one of my Islamic friends voicing his concern about my opinions of Muslims Islamic terrorist cowards. Here was my reply to him.
Hussan… As-Salamu Alaykum…
Your comments are appreciated… My concern is there are few, if any, Clerics and Emums in the U.S. taking a public stand against Islamic terrorism both abroad and in the U.S. The recent message from Adam Gadahn encouraging Islamic terrorists to “go out, buy guns and start randomly shooting people is a great example”… If this had been the leader of a Baptist Church or Catholic group here in the US all kinds of hell would have been raised denouncing him and his statement but, not one word from your community leaders… These leaders need to come out and call these murders and killers exactly what they are, cowards… They hide behind the Qur’an quoting verses by the profit that justifies the butchering of innocent men, women, children and non-combatants and all the while invoking “Allahu Akbar”. Even the F.B.I. is investigating the Council on American-Islamic Relations” (C.A.I.R.) is exposing its hate filled and anti-American activities in the U.S… The Muslims in this country are controlled by madmen claiming to be the right hand of God… They have no loyalty, respect or allegiance to our flag, our Constitution or Bill of Rights… Please read http://bigreb.com/blog/?p=121 and http://bigreb.com/blog/?p=254. Please don’t read just the articles, click on the links.
I wish I could believe you. Until the Muslim leaders, living in the US, take a very public stand and denounce terrorism and jihad, which to date they will not do, I have to believe you are all part of the “master plan” to take over this country, impose Sharia law and regard non-believers as infidels and cattle and as the Qu’arn says “Take them and kill them wherever ye find them. Against such We have given you clear warrant”… [Surah 4:91]…
Today all Islamic terrorists, and those who believe and support them, are my enemy… With the command given by Adam Gadahn, they have declared war on the citizens of the United States of America…
If a terrorists puts me or my family in harms way, or threatens my family in any way, I will show them no quarter and will dispatch them without mercy… I do not know how to make myself any clearer…
I will do this without invoking the name of my God. I will do this in memory of the 3400 plus souls that were murdered and butchered on 9/11 by these coward Islamic terrorists on our sacred soil…
Ma’ Alsalam and Shukran
Bob Hudson (bigreb)
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