Occupy movement supported by anarchists, communists, Nazi’s and socialists – All who want, and need, Obama to win!

Posted on 3rd November 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...


• comment in Facebook 10-27-11
“Something to think about… What if all of these protests going on right now really get out of hand… Soros money is behind them so bringing in thugs and anarchists to stir things up with the police is not going to be a problem. Riots in the street right at election time. Obama could say because of the civil unrest and turmoil he is going to have to declare marshal law and suspend elections until order can be restored… Think it can’t happen here? Better think again. Obama and Soros will do anything it takes to keep him in office to finish turning our country into a socialist’s nation… Mark my words!”
Like Unlike • • Share • October 27 at 6:02pm




Well over a week ago I predicted, on Facebook, that just what happened in Oakland a few days ago would happen… We saw riots in the streets , the Oakland ports, banks and other businesses were shut down and a huge strain was placed on the Oakland police department. These protestors came prepared with rocks, bottles, bricks and Molotov cocktails. This is only the beginning of what Obama has in store for us. Let’s not forget “he is an organizer” first and foremost. Obama’s goal is to create as much civil turmoil, as possible, leading up to the election. Our president is openly supporting the “Occupy” movement and protestors to further his re-election bid.



These events are well planned and indirectly funded by George Soros. Another organization funded by Soros is Acorn. They are also playing a major role in the various “Occupy”  sit-ins across our country. These “Occupy” demonstrations are only the tip of the iceberg. Over the next few months watch for them to intensify as the organizers start bringing in the union thugs and anarchists .



The socialists are also very involved and in full support of the “Occupy” movement as are the American Nazi and Communists organizations.

Like I said earlier, what you are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg. Obama made his living as an organizer and he is not going to let this opportunity to divert people’s attention from unemployment, the economy and his Obama-care program go bye without a fight.



There are many who feel like Obama is stoking the fire to put himself in the position of being able, through his presidential powers, to declare a state of emergency and declare martial law thus suspending the 2012 elections. Could that happen? It could if the poles begin showing him a guaranteed loss and the drive-by-media, who now support Obama 100%, begin to turn on him. I would not put anything past this man. Obama is a proven liar and there is nothing he will stop at to get re-elected.


It will be interesting to see how things progress over the next few months as the “Occupy” movement continues to grow and become more violent.

Remember “an ARMED society is a FREE society” .

Your comments are welcome. E-mail me at bigreb@bigreb.com

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