In April of last year I authored a blog entitled “Obama’s political agenda is called “Freedom Control”… In that blog I listed Obama’s current cabinet and their individual involvements in “gun control” issues both past and present… My overview included his recent appointments of both Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court… My object was to show that Obama had surrounded himself with “like thinkers” … The most dangerous was to be Eric Holder, Jr. He has an anti-gun history going back to 1995 when he said we need to “brainwash our youth” and was the author of “Fast and Furious”…
I also pointed out in my April blog that if Obama could not get his agenda through Congress he would revert to using his “Executive Orders”… It should be pointed out that even if Obama should attempt to use an “Executive Order” to enforce his anti-gun agenda the Congress can withhold funding. The President can veto the measure but the Congress can override his veto putting an end to the “Executive Order”…
My January 2012 blog entitled “Fast and Furious, Mexican Gun Treaties, Small Arms Treaty… Obama wants our guns and will do whatever it takes to get them!” … This blog discussed the United Nations sponsored “Small Arms Treaty, later called the Arms Trade Treaty, Operation Fast and Furious and remembering what happened in Germany in the 1930’s and could it happen here… Well the answer to “could it happen here is YES, it is happening here and right now!
Last year Obama’s dream of disarming the citizens of the United States almost came true with a treaty proposed by the United Nations called the “Arms Trade Treaty”. Obama was sure Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had the votes to push the treaty through the United Nations but she failed and the outcry from the American public was so great the Senate made it clear if the treaty did get though the U.N. they would not ratify it… Remember it was an election year and everyone running was aware of how Americans feel about their firearms…
2012 was a very eventful year for anti-gun supporters. Three mass shootings by mentally unstable individuals woke up all the anti-gun sleeping giants… After the third mass shooting Dianne Feinstein was on the air before the bodies were warm stating she has been working on an all-encompassing “assault and high capacity magazine” bill for over a year and that she would present it the first day of Congress… One must remember that Obama’s former Chief of Staff Rahm Israel Emanuel is quoted as saying “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”… In 1990 Feinstein co-authored an “assault weapon” bill that included banning high capacity magazines and pistol grips on rifles… Interestingly enough Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney support the bill… The bill passed the upper and lower house but was not renewed under President George W. Bush… Now Feinstein’s new “assault weapon” bill goes far beyond “assault weapons”… Feeling empowered by a newly elected Democrat president, and with the Democrats having control of the Senate, Feinstein, along with New York Senator Charles Schumer, is going for broke… Their co-sponsored anti-gun bill will all but destroy our constitutionally guaranteed 2nd amendment… Their bill is going to be introduced later this month and, as of this writing, being kept under wraps for the unveiling… Make no mistake about it; Feinstein is determined to take ALL FIREARMS away from the American public and she said so… Listen to this interview … You will hear Feinstein tell the interviewer she would have taken all the guns if she could have but she did not have the votes…
Obama, responding to the demand for stricter gun control laws, appointed Vice President Joe Biden to head up a fact finding committee and to report back to him with his findings… At a news conference a few days ago Biden, when questioned about Obamas support for a far reaching gun control bill, stated that Obama could use his “Executive Order” powers to ban guns… Here is Biden making this statement in his own words…
It is interesting our Vice President is supposed to be heading up a “fact finding” committee to see what steps need to be taken to cut down on the miss use of firearms… It sounds like he has already been told what the outcome of his “fact finding” is to be and to move ahead with recommending all guns be banned… I should also point out that many of the members of his committee also supported of the “Brady Bill” HR1025… Another anti-gun bill from 1993…
New York Mayor Bloomberg, well known for being anti-gun, stepped up his call for stricter gun laws by suggesting police across the country strike until the federal government act on gun control… I am sure the lawless loved that statement, very responsible Mayor Bloomberg…
Anti-gun bills are being introduced at alarming rates all across our country and in record numbers… Within the past few days no less than 10 at the Federal level…
In California State Senator Yee (D) is preparing his version of an “assault weapon” bill which is scheduled to be introduced within the next two weeks… This comes after Yee’s AB248 died in committee last year… AB248 was originally introduced in early 2012 as a agriculture bill and later changed to an “assault weapon” ban… California State Senator Nancy Skinner (D), has introduced SB 48… This bill will place restrictions on the sale of ammunition… Under this bill a person will have to register to buy ammunition and the amount they purchase will be limited…
Firearm owners are being hit from all sides in this “all-out attack” on our 2nd amendment… Obama has the full support of the drive by media and big Hollywood money and is taking full advantage of both… The question is what we, as Americans, can do to fight back… As individuals very little… We can contact our Congressmen, Senators and local elected officials and ask them to vote against any anti-gun bill that comes before them… However to make any kind of real impact our voices need to be heard on a national scale and that is where the National Rifle Association, your state gun clubs and local pro-gun organizations become critically important… We have a much bigger punch when we join together with one voice… Today I would ask each of you who care about our Constitutional Republic and Bill of Rights to contact the NRA… Your dues go towards fending off those who would take away your 2nd amendment rights… As I live in California I would also suggest joining the California Rifle and Pistol Association as well as Calguns… These State organizations are critical to fight the local gun grabbers by keeping us informed on what is going on in Sacramento…

Remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society” and “the family who shoots together stays free”…
I am interested in your opinion… Write me directly at bigreb@bigreb.com

We tried at the poles to get rid of Obama and that did not work… It is very hard to defeat an elected official when the media is protecting him/her… Obama has, through his office and for the sake of getting himself reelected, released classified information which has compromised our National Security, Seals teams and Mid-East operations, as well as those men and women who are directly responsible for carrying out intelligence operations around the world… For that alone he should be impeached for high treason…

The man for the job is Darrell Issa… He has just been reelected to Congress so he is safe to move ahead with impeachment proceedings citing Obamas incredulous acts in exercising his “Executive Privilege” to seal records, requested by Congress, concerning Fast and Furious which lead to the cover-up of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry by Attorney General Erik Holder, Jr and God only knows how many innocents in Mexico…

The second issue is Obama’s lies and deception, along with the State Department, concerning the attack on our Council in Benghazi which led to the murder and butchering of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and CIA operatives… Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s involvement should also be investigated by Congress and if she is found to be complicit in their deaths she should be imprisoned…

These two issues, on their own, are far more important than Bill Clinton getting impeached for getting a blow job from Monica Lewinsky in the White House which ultimately led to Clinton being disbarred for committing perjury…
We are a nation of laws and no one man is above them… Congress should act now… If you agree write your local Congressperson and ask them to support the impeachment of Barrack Obama…
Your opinions are important… Write me at bigreb@bigreb.com and remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society… God Bless America… Support and defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights…