How much of our freedom, and rights, have we already lost?

Posted on 22nd February 2013 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Go back in this country just a short 50 years and let’s examine how things have changed…

We now have “politically correct” speech… We have “N” words, “B” words, “C” words, the “F” bomb and more… If you are white and speak your mind or disagree with a minority you are a branded as a racist…


Back then you could buy one or 10 guns and take them home the same day… You were only considered to be a criminal if you broke the law using one of the guns… Now Obama and Feinstein say you are a criminal because you have them… Gun owners are branded by the liberal media as being “gun nuts” and are in full support of the destruction of our 2nd amendment (the British paid the price in Boston when they attempted to take away the guns from the colonies. (maybe it is time our current elected officials get a dose of the same medicine)…


It is no longer “Merry Christmas”; we must say “happy holidays” not to offend someone and Christmas trees are gone they are now holiday trees… Mainstream Americans are no longer allowed to put up manger scenes, in public places, because we just might offend someone… If you believe in Jesus Christ you are made fun of and reminded you cannot push your religion on others but if you condemn Islam and its pedophile founder, the not so honorable prophet Muhammad, you may find yourself under the watchful eye of the Department of Homeland Security or be threatened with having your head cut off by a member of some peaceful Muslim group…


The government now tells us what we can eat, drink, what kind of cars we can drive and who we can rent our houses or apartments too! We can no longer correct or punish our children without the scare of a government agency coming in and taking them from us… We now have “politically correct” speech… We have “N” words, “B” words, “C” words, the “F” bomb and more… If you are white and speak your mind or disagree with a minority you are a branded as a racist…


God forbid we make a profit… If we do the government says we are bad and should share our wealth with those less fortunate (meaning the ones who do not want to work) and if we choose not too then they will pass more laws taxing us to death (remember a little group who threw the tea overboard in protest to being taxed without representation?)…


If we do not want to accept the gay lifestyle or prefer to call them queer’s we could get charged with a hate crime… You are no longer allowed to smoke in public, bars or restaurants… Disagree with our government or exercise your 1st amendment rights and you may end up paying the same price as people at Wounded Knee, Kent State, Waco or Ruby Ridge… Souls murdered by our own government…


You can’t holler “fire” from a crowded theatre but the government can scare a senior citizen half to death by threatening to take their social security away, cancel police and fire services if they don’t vote for a tax bill…


We now have to deal with Nazi agencies like the I.R.S., Department of Justice, Homeland Security as well as government sponsored groups like the A.C.L.U. who work daily to limit our individual rights… Piss one of these groups off and you may just disappear from society without a trace…


Here is the point… Want to know just how much our country has changed in the last 50 years consider this? If today all the things discussed above were not in place… Everything is as it was 50 years ago… We are all fat, dumb and happy, enjoying life and know “it can’t happen here”, right? Tomorrow when our country wakes and finds all these issues in place (it has fact happened here), there would be an instant armed revolution in this country… It has taken years for us to lose all these rights and for the government to gain the power it now has over us so we have not really noticed all the changes…


Remember this… If you throw a frog into boiling water he’ll jump out… If you put the same frog into cold water and turn up the heat he will be cooked… We are now all frogs and being cooked… Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are being destroyed by our current president and elected officials… This has been going on now for 50 years…


If we, as patriots, do not come together now it may be too late… We must weigh each elected official as to where they stand with Constitutional issues and vote accordingly… We need to see who are sponsoring and funding their campaigns… We need term limits on all federal government elected positions and not just the president… None should be able to serve more than two terms… There should be NO retirement or medical packages for any elected representative, including the president… They should have to pay for their own cars, transportation and meals, unless on official business, and then no wives or children can travel with them…


There is no room in our society for Islam or any other “so-called religion” which preaches against our Constitution or Bill of Rights… This would include the Nation of Islam, La Raza, American Nazi Party, KKK, New Black Panther Party, C.A.R.E., the Communist Party and M.E.C.h.A. All anti-American organizations and their supporters should be branded as criminal and their members jailed or be deported, if not citizens, as known enemies of our country… Our borders should be closed and locked down and all known illegal aliens be arrested and deported…


Mr. Obama, our American soldiers are “my hero’s” not your terrorist or Muslim friends… You recently signed an “Executive Order” requiring background checks on all American’s wishing to buy guns… You want background checks? A good place to start would be with yours and your political appointments… More crime is committed in these United States by honest politicians than by all the law abiding gun owners combined… The term “honest politician” is in itself an oxymoron! You can’t be honest and a politician at the same time… You and your cronies are all good examples…


Obama needs to be impeached over a number of issues not withstanding his end runs around the Constitution, questionable involvement in “Fast and Furious” and the “Benghazi” cover ups… His impeachment should include any elected representative who assisted in these cover ups… All appointed officials who supported Obama in his cover ups and in his quest to destroy our 2nd amendment, should be fired at once… Nothing less will do…


Remember… “An ARMED society is a FREE society” and “The family who shoots together stays free”…


Comments and suggestions, contact me directly at


Impeach Obama!

Posted on 7th November 2012 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

We tried at the poles to get rid of Obama and that did not work… It is very hard to defeat an elected official when the media is protecting him/her… Obama has, through his office and for the sake of getting himself reelected, released classified information which has compromised our National Security, Seals teams and Mid-East operations, as well as those men and women who are directly responsible for carrying out intelligence operations around the world… For that alone he should be impeached for high treason…

The man for the job is Darrell Issa… He has just been reelected to Congress so he is safe to move ahead with impeachment proceedings citing Obamas incredulous acts in exercising his “Executive Privilege” to seal records, requested by Congress, concerning Fast and Furious which lead to the cover-up of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry  by Attorney General Erik Holder, Jr  and God only knows how many innocents in Mexico…

The second issue is Obama’s lies and deception, along with the State Department, concerning the attack on our Council in Benghazi which led to the murder and butchering of Ambassador Christopher Stevens  and CIA operatives… Secretary of State Hilary Clinton’s  involvement should also be investigated by Congress and if she is found to be complicit in their deaths she should be imprisoned…

These two issues, on their own, are far more important than Bill Clinton getting impeached for getting a blow job from Monica Lewinsky  in the White House which ultimately led to Clinton being disbarred  for committing perjury…

We are a nation of laws and no one man is above them… Congress should act now… If you agree write your local Congressperson and ask them to support the impeachment of Barrack Obama…

Your opinions are important… Write me at and remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society… God Bless America… Support and defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights…