Cycle of life…

Posted on 2nd May 2013 in Bigreb speaks his mind...


When we bring a child into this world it is truly a joyful event… During their first years we hear those beautiful little sounds, get to see them crawl, walk, run and begin to talk… As they grow they adopt their own unique personalities and becoming little persons who have no trouble showing attitudes when things don’t go their way… As they grow into their teens we begin to see them trying to separate from the family and become independent and rebellious against authority… We all know and accept this defiance, to parental direction and rules, as a part of the cycle of life… We know in a few years this rough time will be over and we can begin to looking forward to their going off to college, graduation, marriage, children and grandchildren… At least with most of us that is the plan…





For some of us however we have to face the reality, with mixed emotion, of our children joining the military and going off to war… Not a declared war but a political war where the rules of engagement only apply to our children and not the enemy… Serving your country is something we, as parents, are proud of but it is still scary… God be with the parents who have woken to a call, or a knock at the door, that their precious son or daughter was “killed in the line of duty”…   Our boys and girls, now men and women, are told when and who they can shoot and defend themselves from…








This current “war” was run by elected and appointed politicians, from the Obama administration, who had close ties to Islamic terrorists… The former administration was full of Muslims, many with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood,  the New Black Panthers, C.A.I.R.  , Black Muslims and many other Islamic terrorists organizations…






Our young soldiers are challenged with terms like “collateral damage” and ordered not to fire on an enemy if there is any chance a civilian non-combatant (collateral damage) might be injured even though the outcome may be they will lose their own lives or maybe another soldier in arms… Airstrikes are limited because we may have civilian casualties even though some major targets of opportunity could be eliminated… Our men and women are told not to fire unless fired upon… Enemies may hide in a Mosque but we are not permitted to engage them in their “holy place” for fear of causing an international incident for showing disrespect to Islam and their pedophile prophet Muhammad… We must show respect to their “Qur’an” AKA the ”Islamic Terrorists Manifesto” while they burn and desecrate our flag… We try and buy our enemy off by building them schools and in return school kids strap bombs to themselves and, in the name of Muhammad and yelling “allahu akbar” (God is great) at the top of their lungs, blow up the very people who are attempting to give them a better way of life…






The United States of America is currently the most powerful nation in the world, on land, sea and in the air… For how much longer it is hard to tell… Our current congress and senate seems dedicated to cutting our military budgets,  closing bases and destroying our nuclear weapon program and not protecting our borders… The time may be getting closer to when we can say with authority “we were” the most powerful nation in the world…





We also have a domestic religious war going … Daily we are now having Islam and Shariah Law  crammed down our throats by the supportive “drive by media”.… Our children are being taught in our public schools the “beauties” of Islam and Muhammad and how they must learn tolerance… Muslims, and those who are followers of Islam,  are this country’s largest single enemy… Mosques are no more than breading grounds for terrorists and the Qur’an is their training manual… With Shariah Law now being introduced into our daily lives one can soon begin to see the bigger picture… Fill our government with dedicated Muslims playing major roles in almost every cabinet position and in advisory roles to the President, Secretary of State, Attorney General and Secretary of Defense and it will not be long before we will be bowing to a king…




To make this happen they will first have to disarm us, that is; take away and destroy our 2nd amendment… Mny of the democratic congressmen have already demonstrated their support for the United Nations sponsored “Arms Trade Treaty”…  With the 2nd amendment gone the 1st will fall and then, before you know it, our Bill of Rights will be history… Former President Obama needed to be impeached over Fast and Furious and Benghazi and both he, Erik Holder, Jr. and Hilary Clinton tried for treason and crimes against the State… Many members of our own FBI, State Department and Department of Justice have participated in attempting a coup d’etat against our government and President Trump 



Muslims have declared a “holy war” against the United States  and we are in a war against illegals and the sooner the American public wake up and sees this the sooner we can take back our country… We must close our borders to All Muslims and those who follow Islam and deport all illegals… While this is in itself a very radical step it must be done to take back our country from the very people who will destroy it from within… How many more terrorist attacks, planned and executed by those who follow Islam, must we stand before we get the message…






Illegals are exactly that… They are in this country illegally and outside the law… Our prisons are full of illegals, at an unbelievable cost to taxpayers, and the Democratic party is recruiting them by the thousands with the promise of welfare and free handouts to make sure Democratic candidates get elected and re-elected to help carry on their radical, liberal and socialists agendas to destroy our Constitutional Republic and Bill of Rights… The time is NOW to act and start taking back our country… We must throw anyone who supports the destruction of our 2nd amendment, defends Muslims and Islamic terrorists and legalizing illegal aliens out of office, no matter who they are… Read and become informed so the next election in 2020 you can vote with knowledge and be informed…





Remember, “An ARMED society is a FREE society”… Your comments are appreciated… Write me directly at



Let’s take the profit, and power, out of being a federally elected official !!!

Posted on 22nd March 2013 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are under attack from the very people we elected, and who took an oath, to support and defend them… Once elected they begin rising above the Constitution because of the ability to get re-elected time after time… The longer they are in office the more power they acquire and demand… After a few terms in office they begin feeling they have risen above the guidelines of the very Constitution they swore an oath to support and defend… You can see this in longtime Senators like Fienstein, Boxer, Shumer, McCain and numerous Congress persons like Pelosi… The time is now to bring our government, and elected representatives, back to what our founders intended it to be; a government of “We the People”…


“Absolute monarchies are those in which all power is given to or, as is more often the case, taken by, the monarch. Examples of absolute power corrupting are Roman emperors (who declared themselves gods) and Napoleon Bonaparte (who declared himself an emperor). There is a movement afoot as this is being written to “eliminate the 22nd amendment “which establishes term limits for the president… New York Democratic Congressman José Serrano has reintroduced legislation to repeal the 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would end term limits for U.S. presidents and pave the way for President Barack Obama to stay in the White House for a third time…


“Absolute power corrupts absolutely” arose as part of a quotation by the expansively named and impressively hirsute John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902). The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men” 



If we, as patriots, do not come together now it may be too late… We must weigh each candidate as to where they stand with Constitutional issues and vote for them accordingly…


Candidates for any federal office, and their staff members, should be required to sign an affidavit they support the Constitution and Bill of Rights, in their entirety, and will make no effort to change, modify or replace them unless mandated by the people with a 2/3’s vote…


We need to see who are sponsoring and funding candidates’ campaigns… Donations should become a matter of public record within 72 hours of being received by the candidate… No candidate should be allowed to receive any type of financial support from outside the United States, Union PAC’s or businesses who contract with the federal government or management connected with those companies…


We need term limits on all federal government elected positions and not just the president… Federal Senators should serve for no more than 1 six year term… Congressmen no more than 2 – 2 year terms… Those elected to serve their country should not expect to find lifelong employment or to build positions of power through longevity in an elected office on a federal level…


There was significant debate during the Constitutional Convention about instituting Congressional term limits, but it was not considered a priority because no one could envision career politicians. At that time, the pay was low, and the power of government was minimal, so the only reason someone would go through the trouble was to ultimately serve the nation, and it was thought that few would be willing to do it for long. Today, the government is so powerful, with so many opportunities for influence, financial opportunities, and corruption; it attracts the very worst sorts of people. Example; Michelle Obama’s salary tripled after the first year her husband became a Senator…


Senatorial and congressional aids and staff members should be regulated by the same employment restrictions as the elected officials they represent…

There should be NO taxpayer provided retirement or medical packages for any federally elected representative, including the president…


Elected representatives will be required to contribute to their own medical insurance, benefits and expenses, just like in the private sector… Elected officials will be entitled to the same vacation and sick time as is provided within the private sector…


Transportation, housing and meals will be provided for elected representatives only when on official business… Family members traveling with elected officials, on official business, will be required to pay and cover their own expenses…


Elected officials traveling outside the United States, on official business, will use public transportation unless it is a matter of national security… On such occasion family members will not be permitted to accompany the elected official…


Transportation for elected officials, going to and from their district offices, will be done on commercial aircraft. Only elected officials travel expenses will be paid out of public funds… Family members accompanying elected official to and from district offices will be expected to pay their own way…


District offices, for federally elected officials, will be located in established local facilities; i.e local city halls, Chamber of Commerce buildings, federal buildings etc. No “free standing” district offices will be permitted… Transportation for elected officials, while in their districts, will be provided out of the government motor pool and may only be used on official government business and not for private use…


Our elected representatives and those appointed by our elected representatives, need to remember they work for “We the People” and whose powers are controlled by the Constitution of the United States of America… We are a sovereign nation “Under God”…



Excerpt from The Declaration of Independence
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.


Remember… “An ARMED society is a FREE society”… Support our 2nd amendment for the good of our Nation…


Your comments are encouraged and appreciated… What do you think? Write to me at



How much of our freedom, and rights, have we already lost?

Posted on 22nd February 2013 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Go back in this country just a short 50 years and let’s examine how things have changed…

We now have “politically correct” speech… We have “N” words, “B” words, “C” words, the “F” bomb and more… If you are white and speak your mind or disagree with a minority you are a branded as a racist…


Back then you could buy one or 10 guns and take them home the same day… You were only considered to be a criminal if you broke the law using one of the guns… Now Obama and Feinstein say you are a criminal because you have them… Gun owners are branded by the liberal media as being “gun nuts” and are in full support of the destruction of our 2nd amendment (the British paid the price in Boston when they attempted to take away the guns from the colonies. (maybe it is time our current elected officials get a dose of the same medicine)…


It is no longer “Merry Christmas”; we must say “happy holidays” not to offend someone and Christmas trees are gone they are now holiday trees… Mainstream Americans are no longer allowed to put up manger scenes, in public places, because we just might offend someone… If you believe in Jesus Christ you are made fun of and reminded you cannot push your religion on others but if you condemn Islam and its pedophile founder, the not so honorable prophet Muhammad, you may find yourself under the watchful eye of the Department of Homeland Security or be threatened with having your head cut off by a member of some peaceful Muslim group…


The government now tells us what we can eat, drink, what kind of cars we can drive and who we can rent our houses or apartments too! We can no longer correct or punish our children without the scare of a government agency coming in and taking them from us… We now have “politically correct” speech… We have “N” words, “B” words, “C” words, the “F” bomb and more… If you are white and speak your mind or disagree with a minority you are a branded as a racist…


God forbid we make a profit… If we do the government says we are bad and should share our wealth with those less fortunate (meaning the ones who do not want to work) and if we choose not too then they will pass more laws taxing us to death (remember a little group who threw the tea overboard in protest to being taxed without representation?)…


If we do not want to accept the gay lifestyle or prefer to call them queer’s we could get charged with a hate crime… You are no longer allowed to smoke in public, bars or restaurants… Disagree with our government or exercise your 1st amendment rights and you may end up paying the same price as people at Wounded Knee, Kent State, Waco or Ruby Ridge… Souls murdered by our own government…


You can’t holler “fire” from a crowded theatre but the government can scare a senior citizen half to death by threatening to take their social security away, cancel police and fire services if they don’t vote for a tax bill…


We now have to deal with Nazi agencies like the I.R.S., Department of Justice, Homeland Security as well as government sponsored groups like the A.C.L.U. who work daily to limit our individual rights… Piss one of these groups off and you may just disappear from society without a trace…


Here is the point… Want to know just how much our country has changed in the last 50 years consider this? If today all the things discussed above were not in place… Everything is as it was 50 years ago… We are all fat, dumb and happy, enjoying life and know “it can’t happen here”, right? Tomorrow when our country wakes and finds all these issues in place (it has fact happened here), there would be an instant armed revolution in this country… It has taken years for us to lose all these rights and for the government to gain the power it now has over us so we have not really noticed all the changes…


Remember this… If you throw a frog into boiling water he’ll jump out… If you put the same frog into cold water and turn up the heat he will be cooked… We are now all frogs and being cooked… Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are being destroyed by our current president and elected officials… This has been going on now for 50 years…


If we, as patriots, do not come together now it may be too late… We must weigh each elected official as to where they stand with Constitutional issues and vote accordingly… We need to see who are sponsoring and funding their campaigns… We need term limits on all federal government elected positions and not just the president… None should be able to serve more than two terms… There should be NO retirement or medical packages for any elected representative, including the president… They should have to pay for their own cars, transportation and meals, unless on official business, and then no wives or children can travel with them…


There is no room in our society for Islam or any other “so-called religion” which preaches against our Constitution or Bill of Rights… This would include the Nation of Islam, La Raza, American Nazi Party, KKK, New Black Panther Party, C.A.R.E., the Communist Party and M.E.C.h.A. All anti-American organizations and their supporters should be branded as criminal and their members jailed or be deported, if not citizens, as known enemies of our country… Our borders should be closed and locked down and all known illegal aliens be arrested and deported…


Mr. Obama, our American soldiers are “my hero’s” not your terrorist or Muslim friends… You recently signed an “Executive Order” requiring background checks on all American’s wishing to buy guns… You want background checks? A good place to start would be with yours and your political appointments… More crime is committed in these United States by honest politicians than by all the law abiding gun owners combined… The term “honest politician” is in itself an oxymoron! You can’t be honest and a politician at the same time… You and your cronies are all good examples…


Obama needs to be impeached over a number of issues not withstanding his end runs around the Constitution, questionable involvement in “Fast and Furious” and the “Benghazi” cover ups… His impeachment should include any elected representative who assisted in these cover ups… All appointed officials who supported Obama in his cover ups and in his quest to destroy our 2nd amendment, should be fired at once… Nothing less will do…


Remember… “An ARMED society is a FREE society” and “The family who shoots together stays free”…


Comments and suggestions, contact me directly at


Is it time for a “Second Shot” to be heard around the world?

Posted on 21st January 2013 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

“That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms…” – Samuel Adams

Our Constitutional Republic was founded by men of honor who believed in God and who had high moral values… What we have in government today is a far cry from our founders… I wonder today if a document was put in front of them to sign, and it stated In the “Year Of Our Lord”, how many would sign it or ask that in the ”Year Of Our Lord” be removed so it would be politically correct…

A good example is our Constitution… “Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America

Our country was founded on principals that all men were created equal… That government should not force any religion down its citizen’s throats that the people gave the government limited powers and there would be no taxation without representation… These were just a few of the reasons the colonies turned on England and its king…

The British troops were used as “community cops” … They would move into a colony, billet themselves in established housing moving the owners/occupants out, eat and drink at the local taverns where the owners were too intimidated to try and collect for the services they rendered, and go about collecting the kings taxes… There was no ‘tax rate” established, just whatever the commandant had been ordered by the “crown” to collect… The colonies were growing weary of the tyrants and the crown… I guess today it could be said we are growing weary of our government and President…

On April 19, 1775 the famous shot that was heard around the world was fired at Lexington, Massachusetts… This because the local government, backed by the British troops, demanded the colonies to turn over their weapons (sound familiar)… This would mark the beginning of the end for England and the birth of a new and free nation where the people were the government… Shortly thereafter we declared ourselves free of foreign control, established a Constitution and Bill of Rights…

For a good number of years our Republic grew and prospered… Free enterprise was born with limited government control… Communities all over the United States were established with their own elected officials and our country flourished…

Moving ahead to our current conditions… The government is now involved in every aspect of our lives… We are having Islam crammed down our throats with a threat of Shariah law becoming a part of our daily lives… Taxes are completely out of control with the average tax payer now paying better than 50% of his income to local, county, state and federal governments… Our 2nd amendment is under attack and equally as dangerous is the use of government troops to enforcement the law within the borders of the United States which is a direct violation of The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 which prohibits the use of U.S. military forces to perform the tasks of civilian law enforcement such as arrest, apprehension, interrogation and detention unless explicitly authorized by Congress…

Under the cloak of authority, 3 events saw over 90 men, women and children murdered and scores more in injured by local, county, state and federal officers…

Kent State  shooting  in 1970, also known as the Kent State massacre which occurred at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, and involved the shooting, and killing, of 4 unarmed college students and wounding dozens more by the Ohio National Guard;

Waco, 1993 … In 1993, after a lengthy standoff, soldiers from Fort Hood were ordered in by then U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno and, using armored vehicles and incendiary devices, murdered 74 men, women and children in Waco, Texas;

Ruby Ridge  … this attack on a citizen and his wife by the U.S. Marshall’s office, F.B.I., Attorney General’s office and the ATF started in 1983 and finally came to a head in 1993 when Weavers son, wife and pet are murdered by the FBI… It started when U.S. Marshalls disobeyed orders from a judge to “back off” a case they were working on until a court date could be reached. The courts dropped all charges against Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris, too little to late… Later investigations by a Senate committee and the DOJ would find the F.B.I. violated the established “rules of engagement”… The U.S. Government settled with Weaver and his 3 daughters and the F.B.I. disciplined the officers involved…

Three incidents involving our Government officials have left over 90 innocents dead… Three incidents where the government, using force, went to private property and murdered American citizens in the name of justice…

These are just a few of the many cases where our government has misused its power against innocents and now we have a president who has shown he feels the Constitution and Bill of Rights is his to change anyway he chooses… A good example is when the Congress subpoenaed Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. over his, and the presidents, involvement in Fast and Furious, Obama exercised his “Executive Privilege” to protect he and Holder from having to appear before Congress or turn over any records… You may remember one of the arms sold to Mexican drug dealers was used to kill border patrol agent Brian Terry…

Over the past few months we have had several terrible incidents where mad men have killed using firearms… The facts from all these murders have still not all come out as in the case of Sandy Hook… Those murders were not committed with a rifle but with a handgun  … In Colorado the shooter had gone to several theaters until he found one which did not allow concealed carry… 

There is no excuse for this but passing additional restrictive gun control laws is not the answer…All of these shooters had mental health issues that were well known to the parents and doctors…

All of this is really mute at this point… The Obama administration and a handful of law makers have been waiting for something like this to happen so they can push their “anti-gun” agenda… In fact California Senator Diane Feinstein-D commented, right after the Sandy Hook shooting, she has been working on a “Assault weapon and high cap magazine bill for over a year just waiting for the right time to introduce it… She originally said she would introduce it on January 3, 2013 when the Congress started its new session

What we are looking at is a small handful of state and federal legislators, supported by the democrat controlled drive by media, who are intent on destroying our 2nd amendment and Obama is their cheerleader… He has said he would do an end run around Congress and, with his recent signing of 23 Executive Actions he is well on his way…

Obama needs to be impeached along with every other elected official who is advocating the destruction of our 2nd amendment…

Our forefathers commented on the importance of the 2nd Amendment to keep our elected officials in line and to preserve our Constitution and Bill of Rights…

“The Constitution of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed and that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of press.” – Thomas Jefferson

The 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights: “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the Right of the people to Keep and Bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

Remember “An ARMED society is a FREE society” and “A family who shoots together stays FREE”

Your comments are welcome… Write to

Today, right now, my choice for President is… Herbert Cain

Posted on 14th October 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...


I really like this man… He is articulate, can hold his own with the drive by media, a successful business man, educated, a family man and a proud patriot. He is a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment and believes in less government and more individual responsibility. What more can I ask in a candidate? I like his 9-9-9 plan… He wants the government to get their f-ing hands out of my pockets… I plain like him, today! Now tomorrow might be a different story. If Cain continues to be a proud American patriot and continues to stand up for his principles he will have my vote. This man will not bow to Islamic terrorists or kiss Muslims asses. This I know. He will be a nightmare to Islam in this country. He know it is not a religion but an umbrella for terrorists to hide under and Cain will do something about it.




My other two choices in the wings are; Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachman… Gingrich is a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment and for drilling for oil in the US as is Bachman. They also understand the workings of our government, particularly inside the beltway… Both are seasoned politicians with thick skin and both have had there share of skeletons come out of the closet.



As for the white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants favorite, Mitt Romney, I don’t trust him. He is NOT a conservative. He walks very closely in Obama’s footsteps on a number of issues. He is not a true supporter of our 2nd amendment. Romney supported the Brady bill and promised the voters, when he ran for governor, he would not change the gun laws in Massachusetts during his years as governor. He enacted a health care program that parallels Obama’s. He is just too squeaky clean for my taste. He wants to be everything for everybody.

At the end of the day Perry is going to be out of it along with Paul and the others. We have a year to go so a lot of things might change. Hopefully Cain will hold the course and the patriots within this country will support him for President of the United States of America…



I could also have easily supported Congressman Allan West for President… Well maybe next time or even better, how about Vice President, this time around?

Remember, “An “ARMED” society is a “FREE” society”… Support the 2nd amendment. It is our guarantee we will always be a free society!


Comments? Email me at …

Our 2nd Amendment is “Under Attack”

Posted on 26th September 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...



 National “Right to Carry” bill under attack…

Click here to vote in this week’s poll.





As we reported b last week, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security recently held a hearing on H.R. 822, the “National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011.”

This critically important bill, introduced earlier this year by Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) and Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) and cosponsored by more than 240 of their colleagues, would enable millions of permit holders to exercise their right to self-defense while traveling outside their home states.

There is currently only one remaining state (Illinois) that has no clear legal way for individuals to carry concealed firearms for self-defense.  Forty states have permit systems that make it possible for any law-abiding person to obtain a permit, while most of the others have discretionary permit systems. (Vermonthas never required a permit.) 

“THE RECREATIONAL LANDS SELF-DEFENSE ACT” INTRODUCED IN THE SENATE:  Urge Your Senators To Cosponsor And Support This Important Legislation On September 21, Senators Jim Webb (D-Va.) and John Boozman (R-Ark.) introduced S. 1588 —  “The Recreational Land Self –Defense Act.”  S. 1588 is the Senate companion bill to H.R. 1865,  and is designed to protect the rights of gun owners on lands owned or managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.

OBAMA CAMPAIGN ORGANIZING AGAINST GUN OWNERS:    We reported  last week on the Obama administration gearing up its “misinformation machine” in the form of a new website they launched called: .

The purpose of the site is to give Obama supporters a way to report “attacks” on the president, implying that any criticism is based on lies or misinformation.  In our article, we noted that when it comes to firearms issues, it’s this site that is misrepresenting President Obama’s record on guns.

This week, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox wrote a comprehensive op-ed for the Daily Caller entitled “Obama Campaign Organizing Against Gun Owners .”  The op-ed digs deeper into the Obama administration’s motives behind, particularly as they relate to NRA and Obama’s stance on gun rights. 

To read the piece, please click here.

BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT (BLM) PROPOSES CLOSING ONE-HALF MILLION ACRES OF PUBLIC LAND TO TARGET SHOOTING:  The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has released a plan for the future management of nearly 1.4 million acres located southwest of Phoenix in parts of Maricopa, Pinal, Pima, Gila and Yuma Counties.  Of that total, over 486,000 acres are within the Sonora Desert National Monument (SDMN), which the BLM proposes to close to target shooters.  Presently, some 63 sites in the national monument are used by shooters for their recreational activity.  The planning area outside of the SDNM will remain open to target shooting. 

The public comment period is open through November 25.  Please take the time to attend one of the scheduled meetings to show support for keeping public lands open for all the public, including target shooters, and to learn more about how this plan will affect your future enjoyment of these lands

2011 FIREARMS LAW & THE SECOND AMENDMENT SYMPOSIUM  The 2011 “Firearms Law & the Second Amendment Symposium,” sponsored by The NRA Foundation, will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2011, at the University of San Diego Law School. 

ANOTHER WAY TO GET INVOLVED–JOIN NRA’S FACEBOOK AND TWITTER GROUPS:  Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users.  This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text). 

NRA has been a part of this social technology for some time now, with a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites.  By actively participating in these new media, we are able to reach out to more potential members and supporters than ever before. 

The current king of on-line social networking is Facebook.  NRA’s Facebook page continues to be extremely popular.  In fact, thanks to you, our page has grown from about 300,000 fans on July 28, 2010 to over 1,196,000 fans as of this week!

STATE ROUNDUP   (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at , and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

For additional information, please click on the links provided.

ARIZONA:  Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Proposes Closing One-Half Million Acres of Public land to Target Shooting.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has released a plan for the future management of nearly 1.4 million acres located southwest ofPhoenix in parts of Maricopa, Pinal, Pima, Gila andYumaCounties.  Of that total, over 486,000 acres are within the Sonoran Desert National Monument (SDMN) which the BLM proposes to close to target shooters.  Presently, some 63 sites in the national monument are used by shooters for their recreational activity.  The planning area outside of the SDNM will remain open to target shooting. 

The public comment period is open through November 25.  Please take the time to attend one of the scheduled meetings to show support for keeping public lands open for all the public, including target shooters, and to learn more about how this plan will affect your future enjoyment of these lands

CALIFORNIA:  Four Anti-Gun Bills Passed and with the Governor
Four anti-gun bills passed the state legislature and are now being considered by Governor Jerry Brown (D).  Assembly Bill 144 would ban open carry, Assembly Bill 809 would require state registration of newly-purchased long guns, Senate Bill 427 would allow law enforcement to collect sales records from ammunition retailers among other things, and Senate Bill 819 would allow the DOJ to use the Dealer Record of Sales funds.  Please contact Governor Brown today and urge him to VETO AB 114, AB 809, SB 427 and SB 819. 

KENTUCKY:  Sandhill Crane Hunting Season Approved by Feds
With approval by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, plans for Kentucky’s new sandhill crane hunting season now move toward the final hurdle, the General Assembly review process.  A subcommittee of eight members will meet on October 11 to discuss the proposed plans for this hunting season.  Please contact members of the Administrative Regulations Review Subcommittee and urge them to support the proposed plan for the sandhill crane hunting season. 

MISSISSIPPI:  Implementation of House Bill 506
During the 2011 Regular Session of the Mississippi Legislature, House Bill 506, legislation relating to prosecutors carrying weapons, passed with an NRA-supported amendment designed to allow concealed pistol permit holders who complete certain training requirements to protect themselves in locations previously prohibited by law.  This law took effect on July 1. 

MONTANA:  Three Pro-Gun Bills to Take Effect on October 1
During the 2011 legislative session, three pro-gun bills were signed into law and will go into effect on October 1.  House Bill 159 will restrict the authority of the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission to regulate firearms and ammunition.  Senate Bill 124 includes a clarification of the suppressor statute that now legalizes the use of suppressors in the field except for hunting.  Senate Bill 279 will allow Capitol Security to carry concealed weapons in the state Capitol. 

NEVADA:  Public Meeting to be Held Regarding Guns in State Parks
The Nevada Division of State Parks will hold a public hearing on the Nevada Administrative Code’s change of regulation to allow for the carrying of firearms in state parks, due to the 2011 statutory changes mandated in Assembly Bill 282.  This public hearing will be held on October 12 in Carson City.  If you cannot attend the hearing, please submit written comments to the Nevada State Parks Division by October 12. 

PENNSYLVANIA:  Sunday Hunting Needs Your Support
The state House Game and Fisheries Committee is considering legislation to end the prohibition on Sunday hunting.  Please contact members of this committee and urge them to support Sunday hunting. 

WASHINGTON:  The NRA Goes to Bat for Hunters
On September 19, attorneys for the NRA submitted a letter to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) requesting that they repeal the traditional (lead) ammunition ban.  The WDFW has imposed a ban on the use of traditional ammunition for all upland bird hunting on all pheasant release sites statewide.  This restriction was adopted by the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission two years ago but its implementation was delayed until this hunting season.

Get Involved NOW… Join the National Rifle Association and your own State Gun Organizations… Get informed and most important VOTE!!!!

Remember “An ARMED society is a FREE society…

To contact Bigreb e-mail

Lest we forget 9-11… The day Islam declared war on the United States of America

Posted on 8th September 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

On September 11, 2001… 4 planes were hijacked by 19 Islamic terrorists. It was then, in the name of Islam, Muslims declared war on the citizens, and holding, of the United States of America. Yelling Allahu Akbar (God is Great) and praising their pedophile prophet Muhammad and quoting from the Islamic terrorists manifesto, the Qur’an  they flew their planes into targets on U.S. soil.

2726 men, women and children, in the Trade Towers, murdered and butchered on September 11, 2001 by Islamic terrorists

189 military and civilian personal, at the Pentagon, murdered and butchered on September 11, 2001 by Islamic terrorists

40 innocent men, women and children, on a plane over Pennsylvania, murdered and butchered on September 11, 2001 by Islamic terrorists


411 Fire, Police, Port Authority and Paramedics, at the Trade Towers, responding to save lives indirectly murdered and butchered on September 11, 2001 by Islamic terrorists


Jump ahead 8 years, the New York Muslim community, through Soho Properties, a front for the Cordoba Initiative founded by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf , purchases the former Burlington Coat Factory, which had been struck with parts of one of the planes which hit the Twin Towers, for $4.85 million in cash . The purpose is to tear it down and build a Muslim Prayer Hall. Rumor has it once completed it will be named after the Cordoba Mosque  which is located in Spain and which was the capital of the Spanish Muslim dynasty. No bigger insult could be given to those who were murdered and butchered my Muslim terrorists on 9-11-01 than for this to happen right next to this sacred site. This Mosque, once completed, will be visited by Islamic terrorists from all over the world so they can show their respect to the 19 jihadist’s martyrs and claim victory over the infidels’.

Despite the pleadings, of those who had lost friends and loved ones during the Islamic attack to designate the building as City landmark, a City panel voted unanimously to reject the Landmark status thus clearing the way for the 88 year old building to be torn down making way for the Mosque. Today the building is used weekly by Islamic terrorist jihad supporter and defender Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf  to hold prayer and read from the Qur’an.

Over $100 million dollars will be needed to complete the project and many wonder how much will come from terrorists organizations from all over the world. The project is headed up by Sharif El-Gamal . A man with a past and Islamic terrorist supporter.

When, in the history of our great nation, have we ever allowed an enemy to build a shrine to commemorate the deaths of Americans on the spot where they were murdered and butchered? That would be like allowing the Japanese to build a temple over the USS Arizona.

America, it is time to wake up and know who our enemies are, both within and without. We have a socialist Marxist president who is a closet Muslim, supports the radical Islamic community, may not even be a citizen and he running our country. Obama’s strongest supporters and mentors are, Anti-American George Soros, Rev. Jeremiah Wright  (remember his statement “God dam America) and terrorists Bill Ayers, who are all on the record as being anti-American.  These are the men who groomed Obama for his job. Who are Obamas friends and supporters, click HERE for the, not so surprising, list.

Both within and without we have to deal with the teaching of Islam and their hatred of the American lifestyle. This non-religion, founded by a pedophile, has but one goal and that is to destroy the United States of America, our Constitution and every infidel non-believer in it and force Shariah law on all Americans. We as patriots must fight this Islamic cancer within our Nation by every means available.

On this September 11th let’s all remember those who lost their lives. The families, co-workers and loved ones they left behind. Keep focused on who our nations new, non-uniformed, enemies are, both elected and foreign.

The 2nd amendment “guarantees every law abiding citizen” the right to own and bare arms, it also guarantee’s and protects our 1st amendment rights and preserves our Constitution for our children and future generations. There is no amendment to out Bill of Rights, that is more important, than the 2nd amendment!!

“An ARMED society, is a FREE society”. This is why the Muslim world and President Obama wants to disarm us .

If you have not already done it, go by your local gun shop and exercise your 2nd amendment right! Do it for yourself, your families protection and your Nation!

Agree or disagree? Write me at

Islam is Not a Religion and Muhammad is NOT a prophet …

Posted on 13th July 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Too long now we have had Islam crammed down our throats. We are told Islam is a religion of “Peace” , you think so? Here are the top 10 reasons why Islam is NOT a religion of peace . The truth is Islam is not a “religion” . It is a way of life for murders, terrorists and thugs. The entire Qur’an, a blood filled book,  is written to justify any acts Muslims wish to perpetrate against non-believers/Infidel’s, Christians and Jews alike. Verse after hate filled verse justifies the killing of non-believers and infidels.

The Qur’an was written by a documented pedophile named Muhammad, (may he rot in hell). He preferred young girls as his wives, some as young as 6 years old. This is who the Muslims call their “prophet and leader”. Now the National Council of Churches is pushing to have the Qur’an read in churches accross this country and become a part of their Sunday worship services. Pastors and clergy are being encouraged to read passages out of the Qur’an so that we Christians can better understand the true meaning Islam. What are they thinking about? Islam is all about the destruction of ALL other religions, not understanding or being tolerant of them . Maybe they will read this one;  “And slay them [Christians, Jews and non-believers] wherever ye find them, and drive them out of their places, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]…and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah [Islam], “Quran (2:191-193)I don’t think so!


Now we are being faced with Sharia law  coming into this country. Liberal law makers, in a number of States, as well as several leaders of black radical organizations like Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam are suggesting we must show respect to our Muslim brothers and sisters and embrace sharia law. I guess they are suggesting our Muslim brothers and sisters showed the same respect on 9/11 when devote Islamic terrorists yelled Allahu Akbar  (God is great) just before butchering over 3500 innocent men and women.

Every day now the drive by media attempts to convince us that Islam is just another religion that should be shown respect . This is due in part to our very own x-president who has Muslim ties and bows, out of respect of his heritage ,(Muslim) to the King of Saudi Arabia . There are many, both here in the United States (may God save us) and abroad, who believe he is IN FACT a Muslim. Doubt his ties; listen to this in Obama’s own words .


With estimates of between 10 to 15 million Muslims now living in the United States many experts feel it is safe to speculate there could be as many as 750,000 to 1,000,000 foreign and home grown  Islamic terrorists living in the United States. Many of these seek out the Islamic terrorists , many are recruited from prisons and most are black.

We all know what happened in 2008 when several people went to vote and were met in front of the polling place by two New Black Panther party members with clubs. The New Black Panthers have joined hands with Islamic Terrorists. The Black Muslin movement is recruiting from prisons and black gangs to built their own Islamic terrorists organizations. What is the one common bond between the two radical black groups, you guessed it Obama and the Democrats!

Patriots, the revolution is at hand. We can save America from this foreign disease, called Islam, in 2020 at the polls. We must go to the polls with our ballots in our hands but with the understanding that Islamic terrorists also know this is there big chance to “take over America”. If we do not defeat the democrats, and throw liberals out of office in 2020, this may be our last chance.


The 2nd amendment under attack ; the rights of the people to purchase arms and ammunition is being challenged by the individual States…   An armed society is a free society”. We must move forward with the knowledge that the “call to arms” may once again be heard and must be responded to in order to defend and protect our families, Republic, Constitution and Bill of Rights from Islamic terrorists.

Join the fight now and spread the word to save our Republic… Comments can be sent directly to

Remember, this is a Republic, not a democracy. Let’s keep it that way!

California: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled to be Heard in the State Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees on April 12

Posted on 8th April 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Punishing the law abiding citizen seems to be the mantra of California’s elected officials… The information below is important if you are a recreational gun owner, hunter or collector. The democrats control both houses as well as the governor’s office. Whatever comes out of committee and passes both houses will be signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. Please take the time to read what these 3 bills will do and then contact the members of the of the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees! (Their names and e-mail addresses are below)…

The State of California is well on their way to disarming its citizens and it is all a part of a much larger picture called the United Nations Arms Treaty. Click on the banner below to see what the plan for gun owners in America is and remember President Obama is in favor of this U.N. Arms Treaty…

On Tuesday, April 12, the California Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees, are scheduled to hear three anti-guns bills. Senate Bill 124 would ban virtually all handgun and rifle ammunition and cartridges, Assembly Bill 144 would ban open carry and Assembly Bill 809 would require long gun registration.

SB 124, introduced by anti-gun extremist state Senator Kevin De León (D-22), is scheduled to be heard in the state Senate Public Safety Committee on April 12 at 9:30 am in Room 3191.

SB 124 would create a broadly expanded and technically flawed definition of handgun ammunition which would encompass virtually all rifle cartridges. It would also ban the possession of many types of rifle cartridges and make it a felony to possess them. SB 124 doesn’t stop there, it could also ban virtually all non-lead ammunition used in California by reclassifying them as “armor piercing.” If passed, this bill could result in a complete ban on hunting in the California condor zone in which the use of lead ammunition is prohibited for hunting. This bill has enormous ramifications for California gun owners and sportsmen.

The NRA is also expecting an anti-gun amendment regarding the registration of ammunition and the banning of mail-order ammunition to be introduced at this hearing.

It is imperative that you call and e-mail members of the Senate Public Safety Committee IMMEDIATELY and urge them OPPOSE SB 124. Contact information for the Senate Public Safety Committee can be found at the bottom of this alert.

Also on April 12, the state Assembly Public Safety Committee will hear two anti-gun bills at 9 a.m. in room 126 on the first floor of the capitol.

In an effort to further stifle law-abiding gun owners from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, anti-gun Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (D-44) has introduced legislation that would change the state’s gun laws and prohibit law-abiding citizens from carrying an unloaded handgun openly. It is currently legal to carry an unloaded handgun into most public places within the state, including restaurants and malls, but if approved, AB 144 would make it a misdemeanor to carry an unloaded handgun in public under most circumstances.

AB 809, introduced again by F-rated Assemblyman Mike Feuer (D-42), would establish a state registration system, similar to the one currently in place for handguns, for all newly-acquired rifles and shotguns. Under AB809, the make, model and serial number of the firearm as well as the identifying information of the purchaser would be recorded and kept on file by the California Attorney General’s office.

Please contact members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee listed at the bottom of this alert and urge them to OPPOSE AB 144 and AB 809.

Also contact your state Senator and Representative and let them know that California is part of the United States and your firearm rights are protected by the Second Amendment. Let your state Senator and Representative know that SB 124, AB 144 and AB 809 infringe on your Second Amendment rights. For contact information on your state Senator and Representative or help identifying your state legislators click here.

Senate Public Safety Committee – oppose SB 124
Senator Loni Hancock (D-9), Chairman
Senator Joel Anderson (R-36), Vice Chairman
Senator Ron Calderon (D-30)
Senator Tom Harman (R-35)
Senator Carol Liu (D-21)
Senator Curren Price (D-26
Senator Darrell Steinberg (D-6), President pro Tem

Assembly Public Safety Committee – oppose AB 144 and AB 809
Tom Ammiano (D-13), Chairman
Steve Knight (R-36), Vice Chairman
Gilbert Cedillo (D-45)
Curt Hagman (R-60)
Jerry Hill (D-19)
Holly J. Mitchell (D-47)
Nancy Skinner (D-14)

Your contributions are needed by both the National Rifle Association and the California Rifle and Pistol Association. If you are not yet a member please join. If you are members please take a minute to click on the logo’s below and make a small contribution. It all adds up and we need the legal support to challenge these bills in court when they pass. It is all up to you if you want to keep your 2nd amendment rights…


Attention Patriots and decedents of Minutemen… Grab your muskets …

Posted on 4th April 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Recently Florida Congressman, and retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel, Allen West told a audience to grab their muskets and bayonets and be prepared to defend our Constitutional Republic. It would appear his words were spoken not just out of campaign rhetoric but knowledge of a growing presence of Islamic terrorists training camps right here within the borders of the United States.

It is a know fact that our prisons are fast becoming one of the largest recruiting areas for black Islamic terrorists. Groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, New Black Panther Party and Louis Farrakhan’s, Nation of Islam find very easy pickings with a very willing and ready group of participants. It seems black’s are finding themselves through Islam.

Muslims are the fastest growing population within the United States with numbers estimated at between 6.5 and 10 million attending over 2000 mosques up from just under 1000 in 1994. The number of mosques have more than doubled in the past 10 years. The entire premise of a Mosque is that it is a State within a State and a “safe haven” for  American Islamic Terrorist. Within this country it estimated there are between 650,000 and one million, Islamic Jihadists who are putting together a well trained and armed army of thugs, felons, cowards and those who believe that only Muslims and Islamic/Sharia law should govern the United States and the world. The United States has become a training ground for such organizations as Al Qaeda, Hamis, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Warriors for Islam, The Muslim Brotherhood, Virginia Jihad Network and many other groups.

How do they justify their actions? Their training manual is the Qur’an. It states “ 47.4: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them”… 

See chart below…

During the Second World War the Japanese were ask why they did not attack our mainland. Their response was because “everyone in America owns a gun”.

Countries whose rights to “own and bare arms”, which were taken away, found that soon after they also lost the right to free speech and peaceful assembly followed by a complete government takeover. Think I am kidding just look at what happened to the citizens in Germany, Poland, France and Italy to name a few. Think it can’t happen here. There is a United Nation “Small Arms Treaty” ,which is supported by President Obama, that if ratified by our Congress will disarm the citizens of the United States and and do away with our 2nd amendment rights.

It is interesting to note that George Solos also supports the United Nations “Small Arm Treaty” and everyone knows he is Obama’s puppet master. We all know that behind every good man there is a woman. We also know that behind Obama is George Soros calling the shots. He wants a “one world goverment” and is using Obama to achieve his goals. If we are stupid enough to re-elect Obama then in fact we are giving the White House to Soros for another 4 years to further damage our country and send it closer to complete socialism. Do the math. Are we better off today than we were a few years ago? I think not!

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