Obama is a fraud and a liar… Wake up Christians and Jews, why do you continue to support him?

Posted on 15th August 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...


If you are a Christian (Catholic) Jew or any other religion accepted in the FREE world today as being a religion, based on the teachings of a kind forgiving God, how you can be a supporter of Obama and his Islamic ties?


It is interesting to note over the two plus years he has been president he has cancelled the National Prayer Day, issued no Easter greetings, as has been a traditional of Presidents for decades. He did remember, for the 3rd time, to honor the Muslim Ramadan  at the White House (with a costly dinner) devoted to “prayer and fasting,” which Obama says is a “festive” holiday. Obama and his family seldom attends churchHe claims being president creates a hardship on other church goers because of the security needed. (I guess he does not put much faith in God to protect him his his house of worship). He has turned his back on Israel favor of any country who is Muslim, follows Islam and supports Sharia law .



One must remember that Obama was raised as a Muslim . His father was a Muslim as were his family members including his step father Lolo Soetoro. It is reported Obama took on the name Barry Soetoro  and used it in New York, Chicago and other places as a young man , a fact he denies. He was born in a Muslim country and into a Muslim family despite what his forged birth certificate says. His mother gave up her U.S. citizenship when she married his father Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.



The Obama machine headed up by George Soros  has spent millions grooming Obama and covering up his very checkered past.




Barack Hussein Obama’s spiritual advisor for over 25 years was a man named Jeremiah Wright, a former Muslim . He guided Obama through his years as an organizer and preformed his marriage to Obama’s now wife Michelle. You may remember Wright’s famous statement from the pulpit “God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11”This is the man that Obama looks up to.

The time has arrived that Christians, Jews and all other peaceful religions take a very close look at this man Barack Hussein Obama, AKA Barry Soetoro. He needs to be raped of his fraudulent cover so the voters can see who they are voting for.

We the People need to VOTE Obama out of office in 2012 and return this nation to the Constitutional Republic our fore fathers founded… Remember, “an Armed society is a FREE society”Support and defend our 2nd amendment. Without it we have no guaranteed freedom or Bill of Rights…

Your comments are welcome… Click below to join or e-mail me directly at bigreb@bigreb.com

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Islam is Not a Religion and Muhammad is NOT a prophet …

Posted on 13th July 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Too long now we have had Islam crammed down our throats. We are told Islam is a religion of “Peace” , you think so? Here are the top 10 reasons why Islam is NOT a religion of peace . The truth is Islam is not a “religion” . It is a way of life for murders, terrorists and thugs. The entire Qur’an, a blood filled book,  is written to justify any acts Muslims wish to perpetrate against non-believers/Infidel’s, Christians and Jews alike. Verse after hate filled verse justifies the killing of non-believers and infidels.

The Qur’an was written by a documented pedophile named Muhammad, (may he rot in hell). He preferred young girls as his wives, some as young as 6 years old. This is who the Muslims call their “prophet and leader”. Now the National Council of Churches is pushing to have the Qur’an read in churches accross this country and become a part of their Sunday worship services. Pastors and clergy are being encouraged to read passages out of the Qur’an so that we Christians can better understand the true meaning Islam. What are they thinking about? Islam is all about the destruction of ALL other religions, not understanding or being tolerant of them . Maybe they will read this one;  “And slay them [Christians, Jews and non-believers] wherever ye find them, and drive them out of their places, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]…and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah [Islam], “Quran (2:191-193)I don’t think so!


Now we are being faced with Sharia law  coming into this country. Liberal law makers, in a number of States, as well as several leaders of black radical organizations like Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam are suggesting we must show respect to our Muslim brothers and sisters and embrace sharia law. I guess they are suggesting our Muslim brothers and sisters showed the same respect on 9/11 when devote Islamic terrorists yelled Allahu Akbar  (God is great) just before butchering over 3500 innocent men and women.

Every day now the drive by media attempts to convince us that Islam is just another religion that should be shown respect . This is due in part to our very own x-president who has Muslim ties and bows, out of respect of his heritage ,(Muslim) to the King of Saudi Arabia . There are many, both here in the United States (may God save us) and abroad, who believe he is IN FACT a Muslim. Doubt his ties; listen to this in Obama’s own words .


With estimates of between 10 to 15 million Muslims now living in the United States many experts feel it is safe to speculate there could be as many as 750,000 to 1,000,000 foreign and home grown  Islamic terrorists living in the United States. Many of these seek out the Islamic terrorists , many are recruited from prisons and most are black.

We all know what happened in 2008 when several people went to vote and were met in front of the polling place by two New Black Panther party members with clubs. The New Black Panthers have joined hands with Islamic Terrorists. The Black Muslin movement is recruiting from prisons and black gangs to built their own Islamic terrorists organizations. What is the one common bond between the two radical black groups, you guessed it Obama and the Democrats!

Patriots, the revolution is at hand. We can save America from this foreign disease, called Islam, in 2020 at the polls. We must go to the polls with our ballots in our hands but with the understanding that Islamic terrorists also know this is there big chance to “take over America”. If we do not defeat the democrats, and throw liberals out of office in 2020, this may be our last chance.


The 2nd amendment under attack ; the rights of the people to purchase arms and ammunition is being challenged by the individual States…   An armed society is a free society”. We must move forward with the knowledge that the “call to arms” may once again be heard and must be responded to in order to defend and protect our families, Republic, Constitution and Bill of Rights from Islamic terrorists.

Join the fight now and spread the word to save our Republic… Comments can be sent directly to bigreb@bigreb.com.

Remember, this is a Republic, not a democracy. Let’s keep it that way!

Elected officials, prostitutes, call girls and escorts…

Posted on 5th July 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

I got to thinking, after listening to a lot of rhetoric this weekend from our elected and appointed officials, that there is not a great deal of difference between them prostitutes, call girls and escorts.

Politicians are hired (elected) by us to perform a job, duty or task. We come to an agreement with them that they will represent our best interests and follow the guidelines (Constitution) that explains exactly what they can and cannot do. For this they get paid a lot of money. The problem is that once elected, and unlike prostitutes, call girls and escorts, if they do not perform to our satisfaction we cannot get our money back.

With our elected officials, if we are unhappy with their services, it is almost impossible to get hold of them unless you are a lobbyist with a lot of money. You can call and leave messages, e-mails and send letters but it is highly unlikely you will ever get a return. Oh yes, we still have to pay for the f**king we are getting but the difference is we get no pleasure from it or even the fun of a “reach around”. One exception, elected officials, and escorts, have a lot in common. Pay them (elected officials) enough money, usually under the table, and they will go out and be seen with you in public and put on the airs of being your best friend with no expectations.

Now, on the other hand, most working girls are represented by an agency or manager (pimp). They have to be available to their clientele/constituents to stay in business and keep their jobs. They can be contacted 24/7, when their services are needed or required. You call and they, or their representative, will answer by the second ring (see they understand that being available to the people who pay their wages IS important). You explain what you want and, if everyone agrees, money is exchanged for the services, they do their job, and once you are satisfied everyone leaves happy and looking forward to the next experience.

I have been around both over the years and truthfully, I would far rather spend my time with someone who knows who and what they are than some phony politician… How about you?

Makes me wonder which profession is truly the most honorable!

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are under full attack by a socialist, pro radical Islamic President…

Posted on 13th June 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

The blog below was published in June 2011… Since then we have had 3 mass shootings (all carried out by democrats) a punishing attack on our 2nd amendment (sponsored and supported by Democrats) at both the State and Federal levels and now our “new” Secretary of State, Democrat John Kerry  has just signed the the United Nations “Arms Trade Treaty” despite the fact the majority of Americans and elected officials are against it… I warned you then our 2nd amendment rights were in severe danger but we re-elected a socialist, radical Islam supporter who made no secret out of the fact he was going to disarm our country no matter what it would take…

Obama is well on his way now to achieving his goals… He must be stopped through a recall for high treason against the Constitution of the United States of America and “We the People”…


How much more damage does he have to do before America is going to wake up… Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS scandals, his citizenship, his support of radical Islam and Shariah law and a “out of control justice department… Obama has more scandals in his administration than any other president in recent history and yet the drive by media still supports his anti-American agenda…



Within weeks following the death of Osama Bin Laden a new spokesman for Al Qaeda has emerged calling for all Muslims, within the borders of the United States, to “buy guns and start shooting people”. On the surface one might expect something like this to occur in retaliation for the killing of Bin Laden. But let’s look deeper into this. Why would American born Adam Gadahn  encourage Islamic terrorists to go out, buy guns and start randomly shooting people?


muslims and terrorists 196x300 Are All Muslims Fundamentalists and Terrorists, Islam and Terrorism

Here is the answer. Islamic terrorists want Americans unarmed and what a better way to go about seeing that it happens than by mass shooting across the United States. Our short sighted and left leaning drive by media along with a handful of our elected brain dead legislators would be the first to call for gun control, registration of firearms and confiscation. Obama could then move his agenda ahead to have the United States ratify the United Nations sponsored “Arms Trade Treaty. All would play right into the hands of the Islamic terrorists.



Right now, while we sleep, there are hundreds of Muslim Islamic terrorist training camps right here in America. They are right under our noses. They are run and controlled from the numerous mosques  popping up all over the United States. The Muslim Clerics or Emums are responsible to the Muslim Islamic terrorists and see to it these camps have the funding and cover they need to expand and prosper. The sole purposes of these mosques or barracks as some call them are to give the Islamic terrorists a safe harbor within our borders and to recruit soldiers from a disenfranchised small minority of low life’s and prison inmates . Our elected legislators need to demand that the Department of Justice immediately go after and shut down these Muslim Islamic terrorists training camps and bring all to justice as traitors and spies who are involved, including the “Clerics and Emums” who give sanctuary to anyone who plans the over throw of our country.



Congressman Peter King held hearings  about the recruiting of blacks within the prison system and, with very disturbing findings.



For a blueprint of exactly how the Muslim Islamic terrorists community is working to destroy our country from within read the latest F.B.I report on the F.B.I.’s report on the Council on American-Islamic Relations” (C.A.I.R.) ‘Muslim Mafia’ ‘smoking-gun’ documents. and the Muslim Brotherhood is now embrassed by Obama and his administration…


Wake up America and all you left winged bleeding hearts. “We the People” of the United States of America, are Under Siege. Our way of life, Constitution and Bill of Rights is in immediate jeopardy. As free Americans, we only have a few ways out of this mess.


One, the November 2012 elections. We need to get a president and legislators, who are pro gun control and who have voted for gun and ammunition control, out of office NOW before they can pass any additional legislation, either on a State or Federal level that will further decay or take away our 2nd amendment rights. We need to demand the repeal of any, and all, gun legislation that in any way prohibits or stands in the way of law abiding citizens to own, cary or posses any type of firearm. The operative words here are LAW ABIDING CITIZEN. Until a citizen uses a firearm in an unlawful manner he, or she, may own any type of firearm they choose. Use a firearm in an unlawful manner and loose your Constitutional right to own and bear a firearm and go directly to jail.



The second, and more radical approach, is to show the world that the citizens of the United States of American are better armed, supplied and trained than any terrorist organization within our borders. This means every household should have, and know how to use, firearms. The 2nd amendment provides the people to Constitutional right to “own and bear arms”, form a well regulated militia for the security of a Free State”.



It is time these Muslim Islamic terrorists, including any other persons or organizations thinking of taking this country, begin to understand what has made the United States of America one of the greatest and strongest nations in the world, its people”, all races, creeds and nationalities coming together for one common cause, The God given right to live free.


Act now, register to vote, and get involved with your local, state federal elections. Don’t be afraid to ask the candidates how they feel about gun control, have they or would they vote for ANY type of gun or ammunication control . If they say yes they are your enemy. If you don’t own a gun go out today and buy one. Take a class in gun safety and stock up on ammunition. Teach your family how to safely use the firearm. Go to the range and practice, practice and practice.



And lastly, don’t be embarrassed about saying aloud that you are proud to be an American. Thousands of our men and women, sons, fathers, mothers and daughters have given their lives to ensure we maintain a free state. Don’t let their sacrifice go for not. Be proud of your country and willing to stand up to any and all that may put you or your family in harms way. Do not be afraid to speak out against Muslim Islamic terrorists.


Remember, Your rights begin and end at my nose and toes”Don’t Tread on Me” or my “God given rights” to live as a “free man” in a “free societyunder the rule of law


Remember, “an ARMED society is a FREE society“… Your comments are welcome… Write me at bigreb@bigreb.com






What would Patton have said about “Islamic Terrorists” and “Gun Control”?

Posted on 27th May 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

The author of the original article “What Would Patton Have Said” is unknown. I incorporated my thoughts into this article concerning the Islamic terrorists plot going on in this country to destroy it and our American way of life and Constitutional Republic. In particular our 1st and 2nd amendment rights and on the current plans being actively worked on by President Obama for disarming this country… This is NOT a joke folks. Read and become informed before it is to late!

This is how General George S. Patton would sum things up…and then catch holy hell from Ike. He sure had a unique way of expressing his thoughts.


To ALL those whining, panty-waisted, pathetic Citizens, it’s time for a little refresher course on exactly why we Americans occasionally have to fight wars, and guarantee our 2nd amendment rights, to keep this nation great.

See if you can tear yourself away from your Facebook“reality” TV and Starbucks for a minute, pull your head out of your ass — and LISTEN UP!!

Abu Ghraib is not “torture” or an “atrocity.” Got that ?

THIS IS an atrocity!


So Was This!!! Islamic terrorists murdered, in the name of their God “Allah”, over 3500 men, women and children. All innocents, non-combatients, and in America!!!


Islamic terrorists extemists are peaceful people? My Ass! Millions of these warped misled sons-of-bitches are plotting, as we speak, to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can. Some of them are here among us now.

They don’t want to convert you and don’t want to rule you. They believe you are a vile infestation of Allah’s paradise. They don’t give a shit how “progressive” you are, how peace-loving you are, or how much you sympathize with their cause. They want your ass dead, and they think it is God’s will for them to do it.  The Qur’an says, “fight and slay the pagans (or infidels or unbelievers) wherever you find them?” (9:5)

Some think if we give them a hug or listen to them, then they’ll like us; if you agree – Then you are a pathetic dumb ass!

If they manage to get their hands on a nuke, chemical agents, or even some anthrax, or if Obama is able to get his United Nations Small Arms Treaty pass Congress — you will wish to God we had hunted them down and killed THEM while we had the chance.

How many more Americans must be beheaded?

You’ve fallen asleep AGAIN – get your head out of your ass! You may never get another chance! 

Remember what happened in Germany in 1938. The Nazi Party passed the “German Weapons Act”.  What is Obama up to? He has admitted is he going to do an end run around Congress by using his “Executive Order” privilege…


On March 30, the 30th anniversary of the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan, Jim Brady, who sustained a debilitating head wound in the attack, and his wife, Sarah, came to Capitol Hill to push for a ban on the controversial “large magazines.” Brady, for whom the law requiring background checks on handgun purchasers is named, then met with White House press secretary Jay Carney. During the meeting, President Obama dropped in and, according to Sarah Brady, brought up the issue of gun control, “to fill us in that it was very much on his agenda,” she said.  Obama said, “I just want you to know that we are working on it,” Brady recalled the president telling them. “We have to go through a few processes… “We are working on gun control“under the radar”.

NOW GET OFF YOUR SORRY ASS and pass this on to any and every person you give a damn about – if you ever gave a damn about anything!


Remember, “Your rights begin and end at my nose and toes”… “Don’t Tread on Me” or my “God given rights” to live as a “free man” in a “free society” under the rule of law.


Posted on 15th May 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

I am about to enlighten you with a totally new and innovative method of generating millions of dollars in a previously untapped source of revenue. That’s right an untapped source of revenue, think about it a source of revenue that has never been utilized before by any state or government. You, our dually elected state legislators will lead the way.

As you are well aware and statistics have shown there are more victims of rape, molestation, indecent exposure, vehicular manslaughter, extortion, blackmail, burglaries etc. than there are shooting in this state. The program I am introducing will in effect help control and possibly eliminate the first three; rape, molestation and indecent exposure. It is so simple and basic I am surprised that it hasn’t been introduced before now. We all know that every male is born with a potential lethal weapon, his penis. Because of this alone every male has the potential to use his penis in an unlawful manner. In the hands of the perverted the penis can be and has been used to rape, molest and unlawfully expose himself, thereby victimizing hundreds of thousands. This potential lethal weapon must be controlled by registering and licensing. I believe we need to protect both genders from the possibility of a lethal penis.

The law I am suggesting will require all males born to be registered and licensed by the State of California,s Department of Penis Registeration (D.O.P.R.). All males born prior to the enactment of this legislation will be required to present himself  for registration and licensing within 30 days of enactment of this legislation. Every male in the State of California will be issued a serial number by the (D.O.P.R.). which will be tattooed upon the potential lethal penis. There will be a fee charged for the initial registration and licensing of the penis with a yearly licensing fee similar to the licensing of vehicles, boats, trailers etc. In adult males the yearly fee charged will be based upon size of the penis (in this case size really does matter). We all know the larger the penis the more potential for greater harm to the victim. Think of the revenue that will be generated for our nearly bankrupt state millions of dollars available for the general fund by the penis alone. California legislators will lead the way and make money in doing so.

Now you may wonder about male visitors to our state and how can we control their unregistered penis. In our law we will require all male visitors to comply by utilizing a nonresident registration system with our newly formed D.O.P.R. The fee will be based upon length of stay and size of their nonresident penis. We can base this upon nonresident issued fishing and hunting licensing. Not only will you control and collect fees from a California penis, but you have opened the door to collecting fees from a visiting penis. The sky is the limit of our penis registration and licensing program. Revenue collected and placed into your capable hands to utilize for numerous programs at you beck and call and all from a penis.

Now in order to make sure all residents and nonresident penises are accounted for and licensed our law enforcement will be able to conduct surprise penis check points throughout the state just like DUI check points. Since all penises resident and nonresident are entered into a computerized data base maintaind by the (D.O.P.R.) the officers will be able to determine whether or not the penis is currently registered and licensed. If the penis is current and there are not any wants or warrants against said penis the penis will be sent on his way. However, if a penis is found to be unregistered and or delinquent in the yearly fees the penis will be detained and the required fees collected including penalties for not paying the fees when due; just like the penalties applied to vehicle registration. If the penis is delinquent for over three months it can be impounded unless the fees are immediately paid. Do you think any male wants his penis impounded and confiscated by the state? The male penis holder would need to be advised that his confiscated penis would be placed on ice until he can pay the fees but he must understand that the State of California cannot be responsible for the function of the penis once it is reunited with the male it may not function up to its prior pre-confiscated state. What male wants to loose of his pride and joy he will pay the fees.

Now here is the best part the penis is not protected by the 2nd Amendment even though it is a potential weapon that when fully loaded can be shot off. Think about it no interference from the NRA or the California Rifle and Pistil Assocuation..  Remember every male has the potential to rape and molest and yet he is not considered a criminal unless he has comitted the crime innocent until proven guilty.  Why then is the State of California after residents who own guns and never comitted a crime?  The above senerio was published to indicate how the potential is there for a male to rape and molest simply because of nature and yet not all males are sexual criminals just as all gun owners will use their weapons for illegal purposes.  Why should the innocent be penalized?  Think about that…..

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A JFK riddle

Posted on 11th May 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Only those with first hand knowledge can know the answer to this riddle. I am hoping someone can solve for me…

Click here to read more.. »

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“Allahu Akbar” (God is great) Osama Bin Laden is dead!

Posted on 2nd May 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Shukran (thank you) to the United States Navy Seals  for killing the cowardly murder and Islamic terrorists pig Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden, and a number of his close comrades including one of his sons, was taken out Sunday by an elite team of Navy Seals along with members of the C.I.A. in a daring attack on a fortified compound in Abbottabad Pakistan, just 30 miles from Islamabad. Bin Laden’s compound was surrounded by the Pakistan armies training camp and a number of military bases.
The report late last evening indicated Bin Laden was shot in the head almost decapitating him. He will not get his 72 virgins , what a shame!
The fact is we should all thank our beloved president Barack Hussein Obama II for NOT keeping his campaign promises to close Gitmo  and remove out troops from the mid east. As we have all learned the information that lead to Bin Laden’s death was from an inmate at Gitmo. It took years to trace the information and boots on the ground in both Afghanistan and Pakistan to make this happen. If Obama had his way this information would have been lost and Bin Laden would still be alive. One more thing, Let’s be clear on this : OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, DID! Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!

Bin Laden is another example of a follower of the Qur’an and why he proves the Qur’an is the Islamic Terrorists manifesto!

While Mohammad, the pedophile prophet who is credited for being the founder of Islam, ascended on a winged horse, we will all take solace in the fact that Bin Laden will be carried to the black depths in the jaws of a shark with his remains be devoured by the bottom feeders of the ocean. No shrines or places for Islamic terrorists to go to “pay their homage to a fallen martyr”..

Don’t be mislead my friends. Bin Laden was forced into hiding years ago and has undoubtedly had a very small roll in current terrorist’s activities and Al Qaeda, the terrorists group he founded. This well timed “kill” comes at a time in Obama’s political career when he needs all the help he can to retain his office in 2012 and there is no doubt in my mind he will milk this recent event for all it is worth. there is nothing sacred to Obama and he will waste no time exploiting Bib Laden’s death.  BTW… Do you know where Obama was when our soldiers were going into harms way? PLAYING GOLF! The question is, “how long have we known where Bin Laden has been hiding and why have we waited until now to take him out”? The answer will come over the next few weeks as the media digs deeper into this and we see how many “I’s”, “me’s and my’s” Obama uses in describing his role in Bin Laden’s killing.

Your comments are always welcome… Write to bigreb@bigreb.com …

Remember, “Your rights begin and end at my nose and toes”… “Don’t Tread on Me” or my “God given rights” to live as a “free man” in a “free society” under the rule of law.

Obama’s Gun Control Plan Includes using the BATFE to control shotguns

Posted on 25th April 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Just because Obama and the democrat’s have been quiet about “Gun Control”,  as far as media exposure goes, does not mean they have not been working behind the scenes, both on National and State levels too! It is well known one of Obama’s goals, while in the White House, is to disarm as much of the general public as he can. 

?Obama is right in step, with those below, when comes to disarming the citizens of this Constitutional Republic.  

Obama has many goverment agencies working on various programs that would restrict or eliminate the sale of ammunications over the internet and being sold across state lines. Read about Obama’s Gun Control Plan and decide for yourself. In the meantime Obama has instructed the BATEF to attack the importing of shotguns… Read the article below…

Deadline Nears On BATFE Shotgun Ban Comments
NRA-ILA ^ | April 08, 2011 | NA

Posted on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 5:44:24 PM by neverdem

·11250 Waples Mill Road · Fairfax, Virginia 22030 ·800-392-8683

Deadline Nears On BATFE Shotgun Ban Comments

BATFEFriday, April 08, 2011

As we reported on Jan. 28, May 1 is the deadline for public comments concerning a shotgun importation ban that has been proposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. A working group within the BATFE has recommended that any shotgun (semi-automatic, pump-action or any other) that has any one of 10 specific features should be banned from importation, on the grounds that such shotguns are not “generally recognized as particularly suitable for a readily adaptable to sporting purposes.”

The features in question are a folding, telescoping, or collapsible stock; a magazine of over five rounds or a drum magazine; a flash suppressor or a muzzle brake that also suppresses flash; an integrated rail system other than on top of the receiver or barrel; a light enhancing device; a forward pistol grip or similar protruding part; an “excessive” weight of over 10 pounds; an “excessive bulk” of over three inches width and/or over four inches depth; a bayonet lug; or “a grenade-launcher mount.”
The working group considers “sporting purposes” to be limited to hunting, skeet, trap and sporting clays, but not to include practical shotgun matches or recreational target shooting. To have considered practical matches, the working group said, could have led to conclusions that would undercut the BATFE’s 1989 and 1998 bans on the importation of semi-automatic rifles, and its 1993 ban on the importation of various semi-automatic pistols. The working group also indicated a reluctance to accept practical matches because they test defensive firearm skills, which the working group believes are of military and police orientation.

Since the law conditions a firearm’s ability to be imported on whether it is “generally recognized” as meeting the law’s sporting purpose test, it is important that the BATFE hear from members of the general public. Particularly relevant will be the comments of people who use shotguns equipped with one or more of the features for hunting or any form of competitive or recreational target shooting, and people who adapt such shotguns to a sporting purpose by simple modifications, such as attaching or removing a flashlight, attaching or removing a forward grip, or installing or removing a magazine extension or magazine plug.

Comments to the BATFE may be submitted by e-mail to shotgunstudy@atf.gov, or by fax to (202) 648-9601, and must be received by May 1, 2011. Faxed comments may not exceed 5 pages. All comments must include name and mailing address.


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California: Anti-Gun Bills Scheduled to be Heard in the State Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees on April 12

Posted on 8th April 2011 in Bigreb speaks his mind...

Punishing the law abiding citizen seems to be the mantra of California’s elected officials… The information below is important if you are a recreational gun owner, hunter or collector. The democrats control both houses as well as the governor’s office. Whatever comes out of committee and passes both houses will be signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown. Please take the time to read what these 3 bills will do and then contact the members of the of the Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees! (Their names and e-mail addresses are below)…

The State of California is well on their way to disarming its citizens and it is all a part of a much larger picture called the United Nations Arms Treaty. Click on the banner below to see what the plan for gun owners in America is and remember President Obama is in favor of this U.N. Arms Treaty…

On Tuesday, April 12, the California Senate and Assembly Public Safety Committees, are scheduled to hear three anti-guns bills. Senate Bill 124 would ban virtually all handgun and rifle ammunition and cartridges, Assembly Bill 144 would ban open carry and Assembly Bill 809 would require long gun registration.

SB 124, introduced by anti-gun extremist state Senator Kevin De León (D-22), is scheduled to be heard in the state Senate Public Safety Committee on April 12 at 9:30 am in Room 3191.

SB 124 would create a broadly expanded and technically flawed definition of handgun ammunition which would encompass virtually all rifle cartridges. It would also ban the possession of many types of rifle cartridges and make it a felony to possess them. SB 124 doesn’t stop there, it could also ban virtually all non-lead ammunition used in California by reclassifying them as “armor piercing.” If passed, this bill could result in a complete ban on hunting in the California condor zone in which the use of lead ammunition is prohibited for hunting. This bill has enormous ramifications for California gun owners and sportsmen.

The NRA is also expecting an anti-gun amendment regarding the registration of ammunition and the banning of mail-order ammunition to be introduced at this hearing.

It is imperative that you call and e-mail members of the Senate Public Safety Committee IMMEDIATELY and urge them OPPOSE SB 124. Contact information for the Senate Public Safety Committee can be found at the bottom of this alert.

Also on April 12, the state Assembly Public Safety Committee will hear two anti-gun bills at 9 a.m. in room 126 on the first floor of the capitol.

In an effort to further stifle law-abiding gun owners from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, anti-gun Assemblyman Anthony Portantino (D-44) has introduced legislation that would change the state’s gun laws and prohibit law-abiding citizens from carrying an unloaded handgun openly. It is currently legal to carry an unloaded handgun into most public places within the state, including restaurants and malls, but if approved, AB 144 would make it a misdemeanor to carry an unloaded handgun in public under most circumstances.

AB 809, introduced again by F-rated Assemblyman Mike Feuer (D-42), would establish a state registration system, similar to the one currently in place for handguns, for all newly-acquired rifles and shotguns. Under AB809, the make, model and serial number of the firearm as well as the identifying information of the purchaser would be recorded and kept on file by the California Attorney General’s office.

Please contact members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee listed at the bottom of this alert and urge them to OPPOSE AB 144 and AB 809.

Also contact your state Senator and Representative and let them know that California is part of the United States and your firearm rights are protected by the Second Amendment. Let your state Senator and Representative know that SB 124, AB 144 and AB 809 infringe on your Second Amendment rights. For contact information on your state Senator and Representative or help identifying your state legislators click here.

Senate Public Safety Committee – oppose SB 124
Senator Loni Hancock (D-9), Chairman
Senator Joel Anderson (R-36), Vice Chairman
Senator Ron Calderon (D-30)
Senator Tom Harman (R-35)
Senator Carol Liu (D-21)
Senator Curren Price (D-26
Senator Darrell Steinberg (D-6), President pro Tem

Assembly Public Safety Committee – oppose AB 144 and AB 809
Tom Ammiano (D-13), Chairman
Steve Knight (R-36), Vice Chairman
Gilbert Cedillo (D-45)
Curt Hagman (R-60)
Jerry Hill (D-19)
Holly J. Mitchell (D-47)
Nancy Skinner (D-14)

Your contributions are needed by both the National Rifle Association and the California Rifle and Pistol Association. If you are not yet a member please join. If you are members please take a minute to click on the logo’s below and make a small contribution. It all adds up and we need the legal support to challenge these bills in court when they pass. It is all up to you if you want to keep your 2nd amendment rights…